Counting once counting twice counting thrice counting four times

*v* Yos peoples!

For some reason, I've become very interested in creating people/mutants/creatures. I blame it on those apply fantasy fics. Aisht, my poor darling children, I really don’t have time to take care of them. So… I'm putting them on auction! Anyone wants to adopt them?

1. First girl for sale... Yue! (Yue is moon in Chinese) I call her a Ko-tsuki (Child-Moon in Jap).

According to Sofia's dictionary, a Ko-tsuki is a girl who harnesses the power to draw people/affection to her like the moon draws water. She is a shapeshifter and can take on the shape of any kind of female, be it an innocent-looking girl, an angelic teenager, or an exotic beauty. Ko-tsukis also have the Siren's Voice, which allows her to direct a melody reflecting her victim's deepest desires of which only he can hear and decipher.

2. Boy for sale... Conor! (I just love that name.) He's a Neko.

Nekos are humans with cat-like characteristics. Conor has russet, reddish, furry ears striped with white like a tiger's, and he has a whipping, sleek tail. He's playful, likes to rub against the legs of females, curl up on their laps, and jump for their skirts. He hisses, purrs, nips, and has a nice, slick tongue, perfect for with. There are many things that Conor is afraid of, though, like water, fire, and mice. He also detests dogs with all his kitty heart.

3. Second girl... Amelia.

Amelia was the girl every other girl wanted to be. She’s gorgeous, smart, rich, friendly, sweet and kind. Teachers adored her. Boys admired her.  Everyone loved her. But Amelia is hiding a secret behind her back – a pair of bat wings, like that of a dragon’s, and as red as the devil. Her wings have just sprouted, and Amelia quickly realizes that she has no control over them.

4. Originally a girl, but it can be a guy if you want. The name is either Petra or Peter.

Petra looks like she is sixteen, but she has been living for as long as she can remember. Her heart has never been worn out, because it is made of amethyst, a type of stone. When Petra was discovered in an alley, there was an amethyst attached to her chest, with a “P” engraved on, thus she was named Petra/Peter. Petra is wise and beautiful, but she is sullen, sometimes even cold, for she does not have feelings. Petra does not know how to revert her heart back to normal… yet.

Does anyone mind taking them and showing them love? *Conor gives his begging kitty look* Anyone? Please? Pleeease? They're adorable, aren't they? *pulls Yue's cheeks*

Alright, that’s about it. May have more coming up though, when I go to Hong Kong’s Ocean Park and see the stuff there. ^-^ Jellyfishies here I come!! 


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EunhaeLove #1
*_*<br />
I'd love adopt all of them and somehow I'll incoporate Yue and Neko in the story:) I'm writing the first chapter xD <br />
:D Sounds cool, though. You always have the most interesting ideas!
I would love to adopt all of them, but right now, I don't have the capacity to take care of them. Heebum is staring at me right now, demanding for attention. I hope you find willing and suitable parents.