-☆ Haneul ☆- Application [K_I_M_C_H_I - Byun Hyun Soo - 변현수]



현수 | Byun Hyun Soo | 변현수


AFF username: K_I_M_C_H_I

AFF Profile Link:  


Character's Information

Character's name: Byun Hyun Soo | 현수

Stage Name: Soom |  

Birthday: May 6th, 1992

Age: 20

Height: 5'8 ; 172cm

Weight: 11olbs ; 49kg

Blood Type: O

Place of Birth: Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea

Hometown: Bucheon, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea & Seoul, South Korea

Ethnicity: Korean

Language/s: Korean - Fluent, Japanese - Good, Mandarin - Good, Improving, English - Okay, Improving.

Character’s Background:

Byun Hyunsoo's background isn't oh-so-simple. She wasn't a wealthy privileged daughter of a highly notable CEO or someone who was an famous idol. She wasn't some cool popular girl or the nerdy teacher's pet. She was just the daughter of Byun Taesuk and Kwon Jihyun, former NIS agents-turned-normal people living in Bucheon, South Korea. Her parents sent her and her brother to Bucheon's only arts and entertainment private school for grades 1 to 12. Because of this, their school contained many sons and daughter of higher-ups in the social ladder of South Korea who thought they were better than everyone else.

Her older twin brother by five minutes Byun Baekhyun played a huge role in her childhood. They would do absolutely everything together, wear matching clothing, eat the same food, play the same games, have the same likes, same dislikes, same personalities. If they weren't different genders, they would practically be two halves of the same person. The two were the closest friends you could find until they reached the first year of middle school, where a huge incident happened. Baekhyun, being a guy, was teased for having his sister as his best friend. He was often ridiculed on the school's playground and called a girly-girl every day. He would be beat up by his seniors for not being more manly and everyday he would return from school bruised and uniform dirtied. Hyunsoo could only watch afar and not do anything, and this is what made her so strong and protective later on in her life. It broke her heart as a child to see her brother get beat up everyday and still be her friend even though their friendship was what caused the taunting and bullying. The teachers never did anything because they knew that the parents of the bullies, who had power and wealth, would turn against the school and the employees.

This torture for Baekhyun continued for years and years until the twins turned 15 and were in 10th grade. One day, one of the guys who had always bullied Baekhyun told him that he would stop calling him names and beating him up if he only pushed his sister Hyunsoo off the top of the playground. Now, this playground was pretty tall for a schoolyard. The highest point was about twelve feet in the air and nobody in the school even dared to go up that high. Hyunsoo thought that like always, Baekhyun would stay by her side and protect her, not push her off the playground. However, she was wrong in her thinking. Baekhyun took on the challenge of the bullies and pushed his other half off the top of the playground. Hyunsoo out immediately and had to be rushed to the ER. The last thing she saw before she closed her eyes was a tear rolling down Baekhyun's cheek and him mouthing the word "sorry".

Hyunsoo suffered a partial memory loss from the force and impact of the fall. She didn't remember who she was or what she was doing when she finally woke up in the ER, but she eventually found out from the nurses. Hyunsoo remembers most parts of her memories before the accident, but she doesn't remember Baekhyun as her twin brother at all. After the accident, the doctor had said that it was best that Hyunsoo was kept away from Baekhyun so she wouldn't suffer from emotional stress later on. Their parents decided it was best that they separate and take care of their children individually. Baekhyun stayed with their father in Bucheon and Hyunsoo moved with their mother to Seoul. Baekhyun still regrets what he did to his sister that day, but Hyunsoo started living a completely new life and only slightly remembers her brother.


Personality: Byun Hyunsoo isn't your normal, eveyday aegyo cutie princess or ice queen. It's her distinct personality that separates her from the crowd of clones. She has a unique personality that attracts people to her.

☆ Talkative  - Like her twin brother Baekhyun, Hyunsoo is extremely talkative and will never shut up. Once she wakes up, she'll keep chatting until it's time for sleep. If you incite a conversation with her, you'll most likely end up talking for a few hours on end since she always has something to say. Her friends and the members of Haneul often have to tape shut in order to get her to stop talking. 

☆ Perfectionist - People have often complained about how Hyunsoo seems to be annoyed when every detail isn't perfect or to her liking. She's an extreme perfectionist and therefore, has the need to make sure that everythng is perfect in her work and appearance. This girl will keep working and editing, perfecting until she is satisfied. Because of this, she's also a bit OCD and cleans her room constantly, looking for trash and ordering her CDs and bookshelf every so often. 

☆ Determined- There is nothing in the world that will be able to stop the powerful female human force that is called Byun Hyunsoo. Once she sets her mind on something, she won't let it go until she gets what she wants. She'll stop at nothing to reach her goals, even if they seem impossible to reach. She tends to get riled up for no certain reasons because of how determined she is. Hyunsoo will do anything to her own benefit.

☆ Witty - Along with that, she has a witty sense of humor that will leave you giggling until your sides split. Hyunsoo will stop at no ends just to get a couple of laughs out of people, because she enjoys being able to make people happy. Even when she's not trying to, she'll make hilarious jokes that make people laugh, even if they sometimes seem a bit stupid. Her quick wit also allows her to win many fights with her powerful words. She's even beaten Kyuhyun, the king of words, in many little spats before.

☆ Prankster - No doubt about it, Byun Hyunsoo loves to play pranks on people. If you see her sneaking around and acting suspicious, she's probably got a prank going on. She loves to see the shocked expressions on people's faces after they realize what had happened. But, because of this, Hyunsoo is extremely good at pretending and lying to people, even right in their faces. 

☆ Caring - Though, sometimes her pranks go a little bit too far and get people upset. If this happens, her cheerful and evil personality will turn into a drop-dead serious personality. Hyunsoo absolutely hates being the cause of any type of pain or hurt to a person and tries her best to cheer people up when they're in depressed moods. If she sees that something is wrong, she'll ask without hesitating and try to fix it.

☆ Protective - Along with being caring, Hyunsoo is also extremely protective of those that she loves. If someone she is close to is hurt or injured physically or emotionally by somebody, she'll take action, no matter what the consequences. She protects those that she loves dearly and does not want to see them injured at all. If someone insults somebody that she holds dear, they better watch out..

☆ Hyper - Hyunsoo seems to be hyper all the time and sometimes is found in her own little world, randomly dancing to the side while the others are paying attention. She often spaces out when others are talking about things that disinterest her, but if it's a topic that she takes interest in she'll never stop blabbing. Even in the early morning when everyone's drowsy and sleepy, she'll be ready to go and fully awake.

☆ erted - Like her surname says, Hyunsoo can be a bit of a "Byun" or "" at times. She'll slap people on their bottoms like it's nothing at all and make slightly ual jokes at times. Because of this, some people just call her by her last name, Byun. (Byun means , a shortened form of Byuntae, which means ert.)


Family Background: Hyunsoo's parents, Byun Taesuk and Kwon Jihyun didn't meet as normal citizens in their everyday lives. They met while they were still field agents on a mission in North Korea years ago for the NIS, which is South Korea's version of the CIA. The two are a bit too daring for their own good and nearly lost their lives and they were the only two that survived on that particular mission. The other field agents are still locked up in an North Korean prison being held hostage against their will, or they've already been slaughtered. Taesuk and Jihyun mutually agreed that it was getting too risky and wanted to settle down and have their own family. The two still have a love for those missions, but they're too dangerous and they need to take care of their children. They then settled down in Bucheon, South Korea. The rest of the background is stated in  Character's Background section.


Pranking - Hyunsoo absolutely loves playing pranks on people.

Hacking Twitter Accounts of other idols - Just for fun~ 

Singing, Dance, Rap - Now, aren't these a bit too obvious?

Performing - She loves the excitement and rush of adrenaline it gives her.

Food - Hyunsoo absolutely loves food, especially Korean food, and is the shikshin of Haneul.

Perfume - Not too much! Just the right amount can calm her.

Rilakkuma - Too cute to resist.

Laughter - It brings her mood up to hear others laugh.


Paranormal/Supernatural things - Too scary!

Scary Stories - Like her best friend Tao, she'll cry when people start telling scary stories.

Insects - Just plain annoying

People who pretend to be what they're not - She doesn't understand why people would do something like this.

Boats - Hyun Soo gets seasick if she stays on a boat for too long..and it's not pretty.


Holds the microphone sideways - Like Heechul.

She'll cry when someone tells scary stories - But she still enjoys listening to them.

Accidentally interrupts people/speaks when she’s not supposed to - She's used to just speaking her mind, so she often does this but she doesn't mean to seem rude.

If she shares a bed with others, the other person will eventually be on the ground or under her limbs - It doesn't happen on purpose, she just tends to move around in her sleep.


Music, Piano, Violin, Drums - Learned these while attending the arts and entertainment school.

Singing, Dance, Rap - This is a bit obvious.

Shopping - Self-explanatory. Who doesn't like fashion and shopping?

Performing, Acting, MC-ing - Her other activities besides just singing and dancing onstage.

Eating - Hyunsoo is the shikshin of Haneul and has a very high metabolism. You'll always see her with snacks.


Because of the accident, she lost memories of her twin brother, but has some weird flashbacks at times - Explained in Background.

Her predebut activites were working as a model, training, and working as a waitress.

Last year, a picture was released of Kyuhyun and Hyunsoo eating at a restaurant. The netizens thought she was his girlfriend and on a date with him, but in reality Kyuhyun had lost a bet and owed her dinner. The rumors were cleared up by SM later on.

Backup dancer in BoA's "Hurricane Venus" MV.

Lucky number is 13.

Favorite food is soondubu.

Favorite color is #66ccff 

Twitter account is http://twitter.com/mysoom13



Family Relationships



Byun Jae Suk | 변재석 / 53 / Stock Broker, former NIS field agent



Kwon Ji Hyun | 권지현 / 51 / Housewife, former NIS field agent



Byun Baek Hyun | 변백현 / 20 / Idol, Lead Vocalist of EXO-K




Name of ulzzang: Baek Su Min

Appearance: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6 / 7 / 8

Name of Backup Ulzzang: Byun Ji Young

Appearance: 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 

Style: It depends on how she's feeling at the moment. Most of the time though, her style is bold and very unique. On stage, she wears whatever the costume unnies make her wear. At the dorm or during training, she'll wear simpler clothing such as tank tops and sweatpants. Hyunsoo likes to match her outfit so that it flows nicely. When at ceremonies, awards and parties, she will wear more suitable clothing.

  • Casual - Traveling and walking around Seoul or hanging out with friends, this is what you'll see her in. It's filled with bold colors and many unique accessories that immediately catches the eye.

      1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

  • Formal - For formal parties and awards ceremonies, she dresses high-scale in miniskirts or full-blown gowns. They're always very elegant styles of dresses and nothing too tight.

      1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5 / 6

  • Sleepwear - In the dorm, she wears looser clothing such as tank tops and sweatpants that are comfortable and easy to move in. Hyunsoo loves to wear her pajamas around the dorm and laze around just doing nothing.

      1 / 2  / 3 

  • Practice - During training and practice, she'll wear clothes that are specially made for exercise, or her dorm clothing if she doesn't feel like changing.

      1 / 2  / 3 

  • Beach - At the beach, she'll usually wear a colorful bikini, a cover-up and lots of accessories.

      1 / 2  / 3 / 4 

Trainee Days

How you were discovered: Hyunsoo was discovered through the 2010 SM Casting System, one year before her brother. She'd passed the first round of auditions at everysing karaoke easily and moved on to the second round, which she also passed in the blink of an eye. The judges loved her talent, but mostly her confidence and energy. At the third audition with Lee Soo Man, he complimented her, but also told her that she'd need to improve during her trainee years or else she'd be kicked out. Her parents had tried their best to separate the twins from meeting again after the incident, but when Baekhyun heard that she was accepted, he auditioned later on and was also accepted. During their trainee days Baekhyun would watch and protect her from afar without actually becoming friends with her because he was afraid of what would happen if Hyunsoo discovered the "secret".

Trainee Duration: 4 years

Position in the group: Jack of All Trades

Back Up Position in the group: Lead Rapper & Vocalist

Persona: Devilish Prankster

Audition Song Link:  / 

Audition Dance Link:  

Audition Rap Link:  / 



Love Interest:


Kris | Wu Yi Fan / 21 / Idol, Leader of EXO-M


How did you meet? Kris and Hyunsoo met when Hyunsoo was buying boba tea to drink and bumped into Kris by accident. They were both SM trainees at the time but didn't really talk to each other. After hanging out with each other a couple of times, they grew closer and closer. Kris helped her improve on her rapping skills and Hyunsoo helped him improve his vocals. When Hyunsoo started dating Suho, Kris was upset and jealous because he liked her but she didn't know. Now that she's single again, they're extremely flity and touchy around each other and if you saw them on the streets, you'd think that they were a couple. They tease each other a lot and are always laughing together.

Back-up Love Interest:


Luhan / 21/ Idol, Vocalist of EXO-M


How did you meet? Luhan met Hyunsoo when she was trying to learn Mandarin in the SM Building. The tutor wasn't very good and barely knew any Mandarin himself, so Luhan took his place as her Mandarin instructor. Her knowledge in the language has improved greatly, and is almost a fluent speaker. They're good friends with a bit of benefits as of now and know each other very well. 



Suho 수호Kim Joon Myun 김준면 / 21 / Idol, Leader of EXO-K


Why and how did you break up? Suho and Hyunsoo were a couple during their trainee days. They started out as just good friends that seemed to like each other. Their friends encouraged them to go out together, and they became even closer that way. The two would go out for drinks before practice and training. They broke up because they eventually grew tired of seeing each other's faces. Instead of loving each other like they used to, they got into fights and never agreed with each other. It was obvious that they would break up sooner or later. Suho and Hyunsoo are now noticably very awkward around each other and don't make any eye contact with each other.



Bae Suzy | Bae Soo Ji  배수지 / 17 / Idol, Maknae of Miss A

Reason: On variety shows and to the public, Bae Suzy of Miss A constantly shows her cute, bright, lively, fun and bubbly side. However, only the idols know that in reality she only appears like a cute girl and is actually quite a bossy, controlling maknae. She only cares about her own feelings and what disgusts Hyunsoo is that Suzy can switch back and forth between her real self and idol image like it's nothing. Suzy has also ridiculed Hyunsoo before when Miss A was taking a tour around the SM Trainee rooms. Suzy had commented that Hyunsoo would never become an idol, but Hyunsoo is determined to prove her wrong.


Tao | Huang Zi Tao / 18 / Idol, Maknae of EXO-M / He was actually the first trainee to talk to Hyunsoo when she got into SM even though there was a language barrier. Hyunsoo is always there to comfort him when he's crying and vice versa..which is often. When EXO's Debut Showcase was over, Hyunsoo immediately rushed over to Tao because she could tell that his hip was hurting again even though he was trying to hide it (he had injured his hip before) and scolded him for attempting his martial arts even though it was risky. They are close and like to get together and eat at their favorite Cafe or beg the sunbaes for lessons on idol life. Tao is also teaching her Mandarin with Luhan, which is improving rapidly due to both of their efforts. He's also constantly annoying her and begging to watch Kung Fu Panda (his favorite movie) with him even though he's made everyone in SM watch it at least 20 times.

Kyuhyun Cho / 24 / Maknae, Vocalist of Super Junior / Kyuhyun stumbled upon Hyunsoo when she was practicing by herself in the recording studio late at night. She hadn't eaten for days and was looking sick. He watched her struggle to improve her voice until 3 am the next day, when she suddenly fainted. Kyuhyun took her to the hospital to get needles and waited for her to heal. After Hyunsoo woke up, they bonded over thinking of ways to prank the other SM Family members. The two, long with Heechul, started Prank wars.

Amber Liu / 20 / Rapper of f(x) / These two are good friends and met at a rap battle and bonded over their love of rap and food. Now, they're as close as sisters and know everything about each other. Is very laid back and she is a cool and collected girl, often shy and awkward when forced into situations that put her out of her comfort zone. She's the calmest person you'll ever be likely to meet and can stay collected even if disasters are occuring around her. Confident and cool, she ignores all the rumors surrounding her and doesn't let anything hurt her. However, if she's put into an awkward situation, she'll become quiet and fidget around uncomfortably.



Other Work You Might Do: MC, Actress, Musical.

Your Fan Club Name: Breathless (Taken from her Stage Name Soom, which means Breath. Her motto would be, "I will leave you breathless".)

Your Fan Club Color: Light Blue #66ccff  (Highlight for code.)


Ohmaygar. Sorry if I made the character background a little bit too dramatic xD I was listening to some sad music and I kind of got carried away~ >w>

I'm absolutely positive that I'll continue adjusting little things and editing here and there, so please bear with that! :D 

I hope you don't mind that I've changed the formatting in some parts to my liking. If there's anything that needs to be changed, just inform me and I'll be on it~ *nodnod*

On a side note, if I do get accepted, could I please request either an duet stage between Kris and Hyunsoo or an really awkward scene between Hyunsoo and her Ex Suho? Thank you~ :3

Hope you enjoyed my application, I've worked hard~

Password: Kim Heechul~! :D


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Thank you~! :'3
I like your form,just wait ^^ you in my list dear :)