Did a drawing for an art competition ^^

So last April 24, 2012 I was chatting with my friend (she's actually one younger than me) ^^ She was participating an art competition for VOCAFUSION on May 20, 2012 ^~^

Here's a picture for more details about VOCAFUSION ^~^


So we were chatting like 2:30 in the morning and that's when I decided to participate when the submission deadline is on April 27, 2012 *O* So I only have 3 days left to finish it O.O Then I get my A3 paper and started to sketch ^~^


I did the sketch for an hour ^^ Then I stop for a while because my mom made me breakfast ^O^

But then I started to add the pen and ink ^^


It took me for 3 hours to add the pen and ink O_O Also because of that I didn't get any sleep at all *O* Been awake for all day to prepare my flight back to Japan ^^

So I brought my drawing to Japan and continue adding the colors using color pencils ^^ and viola here's the result \(^O^)/


I drew Kagamine Twins ^~^ Kagamine Len and Kagamine Rin ^O^

So it took me two days to did this and submit it before April 27 ^^ And now they're in the middle of judging because there were 127 drawing entries -__- And they'll pick 10 entries to be display on May 20 and announced who won first place O.O

Well that's all ^O^ Now I'll try to update my fics and also start doing my comics/manga again ^~^


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XiuDOLay #1
ang cute naman Sarah, nilike ko na yan sa fb XD
awww. Kawaii!!!
Imouto I think its amazingly beautiful.^.^
kyouya3 #3
ur drawing is amazing >,< so cool~ I hope U win XD Thx for sharing^^
IAmMeMyself #4
Neechan,you're amazing! Even i couldnt draw that beautiful! 0.o whoa...
Oh my god its beautiful
omg Unnie it's beautiful!
coool!!! :D
you're in Japan again?
aw. so lucky...wish I can go there too! :)