- #thatmomentwhen..


#thatmomentwhen.. an extremely cute guy says something that sounds so erted, and you can't help but laugh your head off. xD


- So a couple days ago, I was walking to sixth hour with my upperclassman friend. 

We have this love/hate type relationship, but only as friends. Nothing more.

Mainly 'cause he has a girlfriend. xD

But as I was saying, we were talking; and here's how our conversation went:

Him - "Why you gotta always give me dirty looks all the time.?"

Me - "I love you.!"

Him - "Here we go again."

Me - "I know. This is our routine, every single day."

Him - "Riight. You insult me, I pretend to be sad, you say you love me. I insult you, you pretend to be sad, then I make you feel good."


Me - *laughs my fricken' head off*

Him - "I did not mean it like that.! I'll just make you happy instead."

Me - *laughs even more*

Him - "OH MY GOSH. You know what, Imma just shut up nao."

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, I fricken' love this kid. xD 


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jooni3pi3 #1
Haha ^^