Ladies: Personal Question?, this is really embarassing for me asking this ^^; But any of you girls, flow heavy at night sometimes when your on your period? My nana told me she used to do that, but I heard if you lie down you don't flow as hard. Sometimes I'll wake up, and find a couple blood stains on my sheets. Why is this?



*Sorry if I sound REALLY stupid...btw*


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Well, actually, when you go to bed, you're supposed to sleep on your side, so it keeps a steady flow, not as heavily as in the morning. Trust me, I may only be 12, but I've had LOTS of experiences already...It's true that when you lay down you don't flow as hard, but if you lay on your back, you get cramps, and then on your tummy, you still get cramps. If you sleep and/or lay down on your side, it wouldn't be as bad.
every girls are like those ^^
I use overnight wing (XLL size) when I use it for the night.
But I think it depends on the days. if its day 1 till 3, then the blood flows heavily either you're lying down or sitting. but if its day 4 till then end, then it wont be heavy :)
Yeah sometimes I think guys have it a bit easier ha ha...I always dread when I feel my monthly coming -_-
Misanee #4
Misanee #5
You're not along :) I sometimes have a little stain of blood on my sheets when I wake up too...
My little sis just got her first, she called me and cried so much... but it's natural for every girl (woman) to get this, and some have more than others :)
its true it happens to the best of us....even when I'm on it, I crazy cold things , so I indulge, only a little cookies n cream icecream never hurt, plus u are more tired, lazy ,emotional and lack so much energy that it drinks like tea does wonders, eat light enough to stop ur rumbling stomache and lots of fruits and water....water helps alot trust me, drink lots of it, no matter the bathroom breaks, it cleanses you internally so everything flows out less painfully.....!
good luck......XD
I love eating warm food or drinking warm things, when I'm on my period ^^ Hot chocolate is something that really soothes my stomach a bit :)
This might sound like its impossible, but it all depends on if you are willing to give it up. If you don't eat cold stuff during that time or when you KNOW it's gonna come, it helps slow it down. Like for me, my periods last for 3 days and it'll be over.

Try only eating warm food, when the time comes. :) if it doesn't work then I'm sorry Dx
I have a really heavy flow but it's mostly because my uterine lining is really thick and it suuucks.
Yeah Caffeine makes it worse which is why they say not to eat chocolates and such on your period and drinking a lot of water seems to help me.
Mine was so bad I would sleep on my side with my legs crossed. I used to be on birth control to help it out because it was so bad I could not walk normally but I have no insurance now so I just drink lots of water and try to keep active when it's not so bad.
Really? That's interesting, I didn't know soda/pop can increase your flow..I toss and turn a lot at night sometimes so I can't stay in the same position for very long X3

I definately prefer pads, when I first had my period I was about...thirteen maybe nine I think? They were horrible at first but now I got used to them.

Yeah my nana or mother don't mind if I ask them these questions either, sometimes it does feel awkward though heh heh.
I used to but now I watch what I eat during the day so I won't flow as much. Drinking things with caffeine like soda andcoffee make your flow heavy but eating red meat makes it lighter and eating non-greasy foods helps as well. I also use heavy pads at night so that helps. Sleeping on your side helps as well, idk how but, it works. At first you'll wake up on your back but, after doing it for a while, you'll wake up on your sides. I use tampons only during school and only for half of the day then I switch to a pad. It's uncomfortable at first but you get used to it after a while. I still prefer pads though.

It's okay to ask questions, I think asking friends is better than asking my mother, it gets all awkward with my
Hm I think I'll give those a try, thanks :)
its not a stupid question and i have the same problem and try wearing Poise Ultimate Coverage Pad (Heavy) when you sleep and i wear it and i woke up with no blood stain on my sheets.
Yeah sometimes at night, I'll flow really hard but today it was kind of easy going. Wow 2 pads? Dang..
I alway's wear the ultra-thin overnight ones..those seem to work pretty well. I can't wear tampons either, just the thought of them makes me cringe *winces*
No problem, it varies, my sister's flow is very heavy that she has to wear 2 pads and there are still bed on the sheets but for me at night my flow is actually very low since I'm lying down. It varies, try using thicker pads or the overnight ones.