Update on me if anyone's interested!

Well, hello everyone!!

I don't know if anyone is interested enough to click on this blog and read through it, but I'm still going to write this one today!

So, some of you might already know that I've been very busy with personal life as I'm a working woman now(it ughhh 😭), and I'm not even active on Twitter (I'm actually regular on Twitter just to keep myself updated on whatever is happening in the fandom and in my boys' life, I just don't interact with anyone, and honestly it's really hard to maintain time to keep up with the interaction and I miss having fun with my moots and readers over there! 😭😭😭)

So, yeah, back to the point, I haven't been updating my ongoing stories religiously as I used to do in the good old times. But it's not like I've been too detached from writing. My head is still currently jammed with like at least 10 story ideas at the same time. So, during these years of having full time job eat up all my time and energy, I have been writing snippets of old and new stories whenever the ideas get too loud in my head. That being said, I'm actually thinking about publishing the story plots one by one whenever I get time. Or else they're gonna rot in my docs forever at this rate. 

So yeah, that was all I wanted to talk about! 


Also, regarding the current ongoing ones, I can't make promises if I can complete them at this rate because the lack of interest and interaction from readers still definitely demotivates me. And I'm quite sure that "Unbound Me" is going to be abounded because it has been a story that has constantly gotten the least amount of appreciation and it hurts me quite badly because I do love it and enjoy writing about it! 

As for "Among Us" ​​​​​​, I have been having a dilemma regarding a plot twist that is supposed to happen next, I know that I wouldn't change the plot just because I'm sure readers would be heartbroken. But I'm just hesitating to actually write it. So, maybe when my coward will be prepared to write that plot twist, then it will be updated!

Now let's come to the story that I've been trying to update the most, "Forbidden Yet Attracted", honestly, the interaction rate is very very low and it's getting lower by each chapters despite having hundreds of views. So, I'm not really sure for how long I can keep up with that! I'm just keeping up with it because I'm too close to completing this one and I really want to finish writing it! 

Alright, I've written too much! Let's just see what happens! 




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njhjcw_lovejinam #1
Late but I'm here, I'm still super interested in your stories, I love them all, patiently waiting for each of your updates, take care
I love your work and can relate when you mention that being employed does the life and rime out of you haha. I've been working almost 10 years full time now and I can't get used to it so I appreciate you doing your best to keep up with writing and even thinking about the snippets.

I am super into your stories from a few years back and I am sadden to hear there not much engagement, but please do know there is indeed people out here that sees you as a person and as a great author that help us cope and escape from reality so thanks a ton too!
Aww.. authornim fighting!! Hope you get the proper encouragement that you and your stories deserve... I do really love all of your stories and enjoy reading all of them.. uniqueness, different plotline and plot twist that made your writing and stories more attractive and alluring..hehe..I'm just too in love with your writing styles, stories and characters.. so far all of the characters were my favorites and dearest to my heart... thank you authornim for writing and sharing these stories despite your busy schedules... I'm rooting for you and your all works... I'll definitely keep supporting you and your works.. take care of yourself and have a wonderful day ✨️ 💛
I would start off by saying thank you for always putting effort to update your stories despite being busy with your personal life<3 Which comes to show that you really care about your stories, with that being said, I understand that writers get discouraged by the lack of interaction their stories get from their readers but I believe that the ones who should encourage you are those who still comment and interact with your stories, focusing on those who don't put effort to show how much they appreciate your efforts can just bring you down as a reader. Those types of silent readers are the ones who tend to ruin it for readers like us who tend to show love and appreciation towards the stories. As a reader who has been following your stories and been loving them, please take all the time you need<333 Update whenever you feel like updating and at your own pace as well^^ there is no need to rush^^ Those who actually love and appreciate, will always be here waiting for you^^ Have a wonderful weekend and take care<33
We all appreciate your effort to write your stories despite being busy with your personal life. As much as I love reading your stories, I can patiently wait for whatever you have planned. And also you are one of my favourite author😊 Take care of yourself ✨
Hi there, Mimi!! 🥹💕 It's nice to see you're still active here and on twitter even if it's not as much as before. I miss talking to you, but I get it, managing social media and updating fics is hard when you're busy, whether it's work or something else. 😭 I feel the same sfjdsjfskd🥹
Anyway, I hope you're having a nice weekend!! Am curious to see what those new fic ideas you mentioned are. Take your time though and update at your own pace. 🌼💖
I would love to read anything from you!! Story plots, snippets, drabbles, pwp hehehehe.. have a nice day, dear <333
Adulting is hard TT__TT
Jungrijung2 #8
Author nim I hope you still can update your ffs when you have time...I'm willing to wait 💗💗