
Hi everyone, I have made the decision to close my AFF. All my stories are in draft, and I will be taking them out little by little until there is nothing left. So, I will not have any YunJae fan fics any longer. This did not come suddenly, it took me time to reach this decision.

Thanks for the support throughout the years. It has come to the point that I feel this is the best decision for me.

Thank you.Β 


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Thank you dear for sharing all of your great works to us here. It’s really fun to read your stories. Your stories is on another level. They are very great. I really like them. It’s so sad that you will make them disappear from the public, and I can’t read them again in the future. But thank you for sharing them all this time. May you always be healthy and success ^o^ <3
Maribeth787 #2
Thank you so much for sharing your stories with us. It's sad you decided to make your account gone but I totally understand you know it's the best for you. I'd like to suggest to not delete your stories though, there have been many cases of plagiarism and your stories are pretty known and even other site pirated the content of AFF some time ago, is just a suggestion to keep your stories in draft so no one but you can access but have a way to proof the stories are yours if plagiarism happens
I wish you the best. Thank you!!!!
jjbrownsugga #3
I Love your stories and feel fortunate to have been able to share the journey with you. I had been into yunjae and yunjae fanfics for about a year when I discovered you. The first fic of yours that I read was Oxymoron, and I was completely blown away by it. It was electrifying. I had never read a fanfic like it before. I felt like I was reading a very well written novel. I felt so many different emotions while reading it. I was compelled to look into the author, and read everything he or she wrote. And I did read all of your yunjae stories.
Unfortunately I was a silent reader. I was intimidated by all of the long, well written comments. But I read a comment by an author that said the length or type of comment didn't matter, so I slowly started to comment to show my appreciation.
I hope you enjoy your next endeavor. Stay healthy and don't sweat the small stuff.
Fladahh #4
If that's what you need to do, I got nothing to Say but thank you for your Journey with us and Good bye πŸ˜…
I'm so sorry to see you go. But since it's the best decision for you, I wish you the best. Will miss you. Take care!