Help. How to get rid of hate in my heart?

Can someone help me? I'm trying to forgive this one person in my life but I'm having a hard time. This is not the first time that we fought but I was really hurt by his words and actions last week and now I'm trying to forgive but these past few days whenever he makes a mistake or even the smallest ones,Β I get so mad at him.Β 


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There is someone in my life that others wish for me to forgive, but I can't find it in my heart to forgive him. I tried when I was younger, but it didn't really work. Sometimes the hate we have in our hearts are very strong and it doesn't depend on how fresh those scars are, it's not easy to forgive. I don't think you should push yourself to forgive so easily. Forgiveness isn't something that just happens over night, unfortunately. Sometimes it takes a while and that's okay. Forgive when you're ready to forgive, and if you're not there yet that's fine. Things take time, and you should forgive on your own time πŸ’™
I'm not sure there is something I know that you don't. I believe, you have right to be angry and disappointed if it is unjust. Don't push yourself to forgive. At the end, forgiving should be for your sake, not to make others feel better.
After a while holding onto our anger gets tiring and burdensome. It takes a lot out of you. That would be the the time to let go.