
I feel like after hitting years, my excitement and drive for fanfics have dwindled down.Β 
I truly want to write but every time I open a page, my motivation disappears, no energy, and everything just feels "bland"

Does anyone else feel or have ever felt this way?Β 


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Absolutely. Even after I left AFF and tried to write for different fandoms, I feel the exact same way even though I had been on a minor writing roll. Maybe you're burned out a bit? Which is fine, for writing so long you can get burned out. When that happens, I have tried to gain inspiration by stopping and doing other things - watching a movie/TV show, playing video games or reading. It relaxes your brain from writing and you might find inspiration in what you have occupied yourself with. This is a normal feeling. I've written fics for long and when I felt burned out months ago, I wanted to start working on original content, but even that has been a slow process, but I honestly think its a big writer's block or just me being burned out. It's okay to take a break if you need. The creativity will come back, it's all just a process πŸ’™