lf: younghoon plz dont ignore this this is a cry for help SOS ··· −−− ··· THIS IS SERIOUS


guys click on this or i die please my friend has me in his basement i havent seen my family in months


hey ies i'll keep this short and straight to the point. im writing this ad for my chanhee fc friend who is too much of a to write it is looking for a younghoon fc to facechase (real)

- MDNI!!!! he;s of age
- he's gmt-6
- i think he's nd nsa (im gatekeeping him) i think he's down to
- him being a facechaser makes him sound shallow but rly he's such a kind soul
- he's uhhhhhhh he's a switch (and biual)
- he's collecting younghoons actually
- he's a capricorn and infj!
- his other fcs are wooyoung, chuu, and sunwoo!
- he also plays video games he's the best gamer ever he carries me
- he'll probably watch stuff with you, listen to music, join rps with you (maybe) yknow, standard edater stuff

if you want his contacts then pm me! send either ur twt handle or fl


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