Just another update, I guess.

Hey y'all, I've been trying to pull myself together to just write something, but I've been feeling a lot of imposter syndrome and depression lately, and while writing is something I absolutely love to do, it's been increasingly hard as of late. It's all I can think about; is wanting to write, but I feel as though nothing is good enough, or I'm just not satisfied with anything. 

I hope to crawl out of this feeling soon, but until then, I always make time to read all of your nice comments and I feel so much appreciation for all of you who have subscribed to any of my stories. Thank you, genuinely, from the bottom of my heart. 

Until next time...


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Hello Sid, it saddens me to read this, but at the same time remember that you don't have to push yourself in doing anything.
If you ever feel the need to vent about something, just know you can count on me and I will gladly listen.
In the meantime, take good care of yourself <3