Anniversary Melancholy... }2021{

I've been going though a lot of things in the past few months or so that I even forgot about my own anniversary on the site that I once held near and dear to me.

Don't get me wrong though, I do like this site still, it's just that some of the people on here it make harder and harder for me to actually want to stay. I think about taking all of my stories down from the website from time to time. Yet, at the same time I don't want to do.

This site has helped me get through a lot of things in my life and I probably wouldn't be here without it. I'm glad that my sister found this site by accident, because me here to all of you. And I love every single one you, because you were here for me when you friended me, subscribed fully to me or my stories, upvoted my stories, or commented on them. No matter what it was you all supported me and I am extremely thankful for that. Especially since it has been a rough couple of years in the world for everyone.

So I would love to say thank you to everyone for everything and for a long eight years of friendship. It means a lot to me. I love you all so very much.


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Happy anniversary πŸŽ‰πŸŽŠ 8 years is a long time. I'm glad that you have found some comfort through this site. I hope that things will get better for youπŸ’ͺ No matter what happens , know that there will be a way. Never give up . Take good care . We love you too . Stay blessed
arisong #2
Happy anniversary
Thank you for all the hard work you put into writing stories
jjbrownsugga #3
Happy anniversary πŸŽ‰
We appreciate you and your stories.
Thank you for keeping your stories here!