separating ways because im the toxic friend ://

hey guys! so it's been awhile since me and my friends wrote any blogs, it's because we fell apart after my departure to go back to my home country. they won't talk to me and they just told me, i was being distant to them and i'm toxic so i have reflected alot for the past months and i could say i am toxic. instead of patching things up with the gang, we mutually decided to separate ways and now we're here :p but ig they r better off without me. i've gain weight here and ate my feelings out. i also found new friends but i won't tell them about this site because im embarrassed lol. i also decided not to delete my old blogs and my ex-friends blogs as well because yk for the memories. im trying to work on myself as well so that i will never be toxic ever again. i hope i can do it^^ i wish everyone good health and nothing but the best to all. to my friends who cutted me off, thank you for making me reflect and thank you for knowing who's toxic within us. they blocked me in all socials so im just me ig? but i dont want to talk to them now either cuz it'd be too awkward hehehehe im also vvvvvvvvvvvv busy with school and i couldn't keep up with kpop anymore. moving on is the best for me. its hard to accept but lets look at the bright side to all of the mess i made. im so sorry to my ex-friends tho :) i hope yall would read this blog hehe


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The way of their response, they don’t look “non toxic” but it’s great if they made you reflect & realize you have toxic traits. But never put the whole blame on yourself social relationships work both ways, you need 2 or more people for an argument. I’m glad you’re doing better <3
Well if youre acknowledging that you have toxic traits, chances are your self development will improve greatly and consistently if you continue to discipline yourself, and correct behavioral problems.But blocking you and stuff isn't exactly "non-toxic" either so I imagine there's hurt there. It's probably best to move on anyways.... good luck!