⚑ πš‚πš’πš˜πšžπš‘ π™΅πšŠπš•πš•πšœ. ⚑ supernatural, literate, master/slave. 13/30 reservations! 𝑨𝑷𝑷𝑳𝑰π‘ͺ𝑨𝑻𝑰𝑢𝑡𝑺 𝑢𝑷𝑬𝑡.

a silhouette like a picture in the mirror
kwon chanyeol β€” the king.
kwon yoojin β€” the queen.
we open once we hit 30 reservations! if not, our Grand opening is on 12th!
00:00 / lorem ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Pellentesque lacus leo, faucibus rutrum augue vitae, tempor consectetur mauris. Nunc tempor blandit nunc, id dictum nunc. Suspendisse eu convallis dui, non bibendum ligula. Suspendisse pellentesque, velit eu pulvinar dignissim, ligula mi efficitur orci, ut viverra lacus enim aliquam neque. Donec rutrum tincidunt enim, et finibus sapien feugiat vel. Sed volutpat vehicula dolor, at pretium sem imperdiet vitae. Sed pulvinar urna nec gravida hendrerit. Fusce sit amet egestas nunc. Praesent quis nunc sed arcu viverra porttitor sed ut nisl. Sed quis faucibus leo, a ornare dolor. Proin id sodales risus. Suspendisse condimentum, enim nec malesuada feugiat, erat ante commodo nisi, ut venenatis enim arcu a nisi.
sioux falls has always been there - without human knowledge. the only protection sioux has been able to use to keep their secrets inside of where they've belonged for centuries has been a mage - who shall remain nameless. with her magic alone, the normal world have had no idea about sioux falls nor the creatures that have been living inside of their dearest little paradise for centuries. however, the mage who had been taking care of their safety has suddenly passed away due to uncommon complications - which resulted the whole force field to be exploded into thin air.

once normal human beings started to walk onto our land, many of them had no idea that there was something very uncommon in their blood. once the hunter of sioux falls got a scent of a new creature, they hunted them coldblooded just so they could bring them to the auction house to be auctioned to the master who was ready to bit on that individual.

if they weren't sold out immediately, the little thing would spend their time in a tiny room that covered all their necessities from showers to toilets - as far, as it took for a master to bid on them and take them to them to their house.

master & slave auction are open every weekend. every master and slave that have been inside of the roleplay more than a week are eligible to bid or to be bid on.

sioux falls had to endure a long period of time when people just kept walking to their land as if they owned it, many of them either got sold or eaten by creatures of the dawn - but soon enough the Kwons got fed up and decided to find someone who was able to restore the force field. They looked and looked until there was another mage who was able to say yes to their demands - and sioux falls was safe again with a few additional slaves...

All slaves are owned by Kwon Chanyeol and Kwon Yoojin - the married Naga couple that are in charge of everything in Soux Falls.
Hello, stranger.
welcome to Sioux falls! We're Mewe based alternative universe with master/slave concept.

Our main goal is to keep everything interactive and friendly! Which means, that we do not accept hostile behaviour from muns. Please remember to be always nice to fellow roleplayers and to leave comments on their posts - this is how you approach new members and acquire new friends!

You can find all our races either from our tumblr page or races chapter.

our base activity is: replying to 1 para thread per week and leaving comments on posts that you see on your timeline. (& Please always emoji everything you see on your timeline! EVEN IF YOU CAN'T RELATE TO IT.)

we accept dark & taboo kinks and themes which means that this roleplay is not for everyone - especially for those with lots of trauma, we require to our members to use trigger warnings if there's triggering topics in their threads!Β we allow adopting kids and pregnancy. mpreg and lpreg is forbidden.

for now, we're taking reservations but the most impatient ones can already send their application form here, if they want. (and yes, we see you.)
FIRSTLY HEAR ME OUT,, we understand that many FB roleplayers are quite overwhelmed by the fact that this is a mewe based roleplay and not on their beloved facebook - where most of you, au roleplayers are, but please keep in mind that there's no ads on mewe. none. never. no locking out, no need to be scared of losing all of your threaths or anything else that facebook does to its members.

1. You can use your idol's real name (if you want) and mewe will never lock you out! NEVER!

2. you won't miss ANY TIMELINE STATUSES on your timeline. Mewe has no ads NOR algorithm. you can see your friends statuses without looking for them for hours or asking them to tag you - which makes it even easier to connect and get to know them!

3. Groupchat are used for group chatting. What's better than chat away and get to know other muses through such a simple thing like that?

4. We can have separate pages for events. How cool is that? You don't want to waste time finding where this and that is!

5. You can post nudes in rated group and nobody will disable your account! (if this doesn't let your inner hoe out, i don't know what does.)
⚑ πš‚πš’πš˜πšžπš‘ π™΅πšŠπš•πš•πšœ. ⚑
3rd pov / literate
open FOR RESERVATIONS & Β apply here.


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