
I know I don't update as much and I probably should. It's not for the lack of trying because I'm practically on here every single day whenever I could to try and update my stories. However, today as I try to finally finish the update I have for "The Attic" that's been pending for like a week in my drafts, I get this notice that I have been reported that it's a plagiarized story! 


ABSOLUTELY NOTHING IN MY STORIES THAT I PUBLISH IS PLAGIARIZED. Is the premise original? Probably not. "You've Got Mail" or "Time Traveler's Wife" or "About Time"...these are all love stories involving time travel with their own twists on it. It doesn't mean that it plagiarized the other. 

This gets me so upset, and I usually don't complain about personal attacks. I believe in ignoring haters and moving on. Block and move on. That's my policy, but this is such an infuriating attack on me as an author who constantly tries to think of ways of how can I surprise my readers.  How can I write something unexpected without completely throwing the plot of the story away. To be reported for such a thing is a huge "F-U" to me and it hurts me. It hurts my character and the fact that the person that reported this probably didn't even read more than just the summary of the story. 

I don't mind silent readers. I don't care about trolls. I appreciate all my readers, specially those who take the time to let me know they enjoy my craft. I've been writing for 11 years. I've been "dbsj0001" since 2009 and I am well aware how much "plagiarism" hurts an authors character. 

I can't believe I even have to justify this story. It's barely starting to pick up and I haven't even the dropped the major bomb that's going on with Donghae's character, but if this story gets flagged, and pulled...I don't know if I would even want to continue it...or writing anything if I have to explain each and every time why my stories are not plagiarized from anything (that I know.) 

Obviously, the world is a big big place and I can't possibly see every movie in existence or every book that has been written, so if you think I have, then let me know. Shoot me a message and I will do my own research and explain the difference between my stories and whatever craft you think I plagiarize. To this person that reported me, tell me what movie you think I stole this from because I would love to know if there has been a movie that's been made to look at our current pandemic situation like it's a thing of the past or....*resists spoilers*...I can't even tell you the other major thing that's going on to explain how impossible it is for this story to be plagiarized without giving out spoilers! 🤬🤬🤬😖😖😖😖


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That is soo not cool! No one can escape from karma! They may just want a reaction but remember they are insignificant!

Don’t worry about them DB because you’ll always have support and we know you are a good soul ❤️❤️
the story was definitely not the same, I've read that one and who is this person reporting you? he / she is just jealous of your works...
I don't know what to say to people who accuse you yet aren't able to give a substantive proof. They must have too much time on their hands and must be jealous of how prolific you are as a writer.
Please don't mind them. Ugh they are really annoying. I really love your stories, and you never plagiarize any story!
that's terrible! but please don't mind them, even i know it's easier said than done. but your readers and friends knew you best.... i always comeback and reread your stories including attic and it's always bring me a good smile everytime i saw you update...

sure there are people who envied and just jealous of your talent but there are more people you've given happiness because of your stories... so cheer up my dear don't let them drag you down 😇
Haehyukee #6
Don't mind them! I like your stories and always come back to read! Attic is also the one I'm looking forward to new chapters!

i vouch that this is not plagiarized as well!!! We even had like a whole conversation about this rawr this is not plagiarism for db!! GAAH WHO DID THIS 😭😭

usually plagiarism reports need a link to the "original" story that you're copying, so if your story isn't, you shouldn't worry too much about it
though i understand its annoying, don't let it get to your head, people just want a reaction sometimes! don't give them the satisfaction
keep writing and it'll be fine, the mods on this site are reasonable people, i'm sure nothing will happen
I just needed to let this out because what the actual f-?!?!