7th Yr. Anniversary!!! (2020)

The first thing I would like to say is that I had no idea what I initially wanted to say about this day. So many things came in to my mind. So many memories were made this year. Both bad, good, and most of all, frightening.

This year for me was consisted mostly of me trying to figure what it is that I want from myself. And at the moment I can fully say that I don't know what that exactly is right now. (Hopefully I can by next year.)

Although, I know that I want to continue writing whether it's this website or not. Writing is my passion. Even though I'm not really that good at it. Writing is a way for me to express myself and venture out to new worlds that I've personally built for the characters that I have created for all of my stories.

It is an artform that has brought many people from many different backgrounds together for centuries. A fact that I want to continue on with for the rest of my existence. It is also an outlet that I seek comfort in over and over again since I was a young child after I knew of the joy of reading and writing. Which brings me on to all of you, my loyal supporters and my friends.

This year has been hard for us all. A nightmare in fact. But don't you ever let it bring you down, because their is a bright future waiting for us all in the long run.

In conclusion, I would like to say thank you to each and everyone of you, like I always have. I love you guys so so much! Please never forget that!

(P.s. I've been to tell you guys my secret nickname for you. Hehehe! It's Maniacs! I thought it was fitting because of my username. Just ignore that, I'm being jokey. I love you my darlings!!! <333)


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Happy Anniversary πŸ’