Blog Entry #2: Human


Human can just be very tricky. They seem nice at first but the truth is not as pleasing as we thought.

I have met so many people in my life that lives with two-face. They pretend to be nice in front of us and talk back behind us after that.

They manipulate words and act like victim. God, I hate people acting like victim. They pretend like they're hurting instead of coming up they the one hurting others.

Those pain they give stayed with others for a long time.... 


I hope all these humans burn in hell one day. I can't find strength to pray good for them anymore. Not after witnessing my own friends being victimised by these kind. 




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This is very relatable to me and I like that you brought it up. I agree I hate two faced people too - too many humans try to act the victim a lot of times too and that pisses me off especially when they're are actually people hurting. I know some two faced people in my life too. I hope all horrible humans burn one day for inflicting pain on other people