On Joojoo.


I was hurt and deeply affected by what happened with Joohyun/Irene, she was my inspiration to change for the better and I will alwaysbe thankful for having known Red Velvet. I strongly believe she is never unbecoming. Observing her all these times, I have never seen someone sets her eyes purely for something or someone. Not all has that pure and loving gaze, and its for everyone if we're to talk about Joohyun's gaze. While we may never know how she truly is, we can always have a preview of how much of a person she is through her evident loving gaze for whoever she was looking at. Indeed, eyes are windows to the soul.Β 

She is silly, naughty, playful, but not bad. UNLESS, someone or something has crossed the line. We all will have the time that we will snap. Or we had. Especially if you're a performer, an entertainer, who is on top, not that I am telling that she is but we all know she's always been sought. When you're someone responsible for something it is hard when problems arise a little time before the actual "moment". Anyway, all is done and it has been a few days. I am just letting my thoughts out. It was quite a blow. This is my first experience to see how toxic and how very much alarming other people can be on idols.

However, I'm glad that as I dug deeper facts of truth slowly are surfacing, the truth really is just slow to spread itself than the lies. Yet, even though the truth's spread is little at this time, it's good enough.

It's good enough, at least.Β 



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