Being very real.

I just wanted to inform you guys that I haven't been able to write for the past month now. I think I burnt myself out with the previous story and that might sound silly, but if you didn't know I'm still healing from a general burn out and an eating disorder, so I get tired easily (and I'm still really busy XD).Β 

My goal was to finish the Selfishness of Our Hearts by December, but again, I can't meet that goal realistically. I do want to finish it by mid 2020, but don't hold me to that. Maybe by then I won't even have any readers left haha. To be honest too, it's not the easiest story to write (emotionally). But I love it and I actually started the next chapter right after finishing Art-to-Heart, but didn't get back to it because of what I've just said and also because I realized some considerable flaws in the structure of the story that I had to think through (which didn't help with motivation and getting back to it lol).

Okay, now I'm rambling and it's probably a mess. I hope you guys understand. I haven't given up and I really hate that I can't write faster like I used to be able to.Β 

Sending you all much love and hoping you are all healthy! <333

- Sara -Β 


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Not going anywhere, sweetie pie. Take care of yourself!
shojinryori #2
You look after yourself first! We’ll be here when you return. <3
Take your time to write, there's no rush 😊 you need to feel complete when you publish something, we understand, take it easy, you can do it!!!