NamSong or JinHoon roleplay

Who would like to roleplay NamSong (Mino/Taehyun) or JinHoon (Jinwoo/Seunghoon)? Literate to advanced literate. We can combine angst with romance. We can also put some ual content, but I want a background plot well developed that brings to it. I have few ideas in my mind for eventual plots.Β 

My social networks: caseycrumb24 on Tumblr, Instagram and Twitter. I also have WhatsApp.

I roleplay privately and not publicy.Β 


Contact me! I'm also looking for Inner Circles friends πŸ’™.


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Meeeeeeee but like I don’t use any of that D: can we like come to some sort of arrangement?? Cuz I love to plot and I honestly would be more interested in namsong :’)