I Have A YouTube Channel?

Hey guys, I just wanted to make this blog to let you guys know about something that I've been hiding for a long time... Firstly, I just wanna say I'm sorry about that. Yes, I have a YouTube channel called 'PartyTUBE' and I upload videos sometimes. They could be about K-Pop or just other types of entertainment in general. Only two people on AFF know about my channel, and it's because I talk to them frequently and I have a rather special connection with them. I guess you all might know them (TaekenByJungoo and moonflakes). We had this group chat and we were joking about us singing together and all, and they told me that they'd like to hear my voice one day. I never mentioned my channel to them, but I decided to make a song cover and share it with them. Hence, they found out about my channel.

I didn't tell anyone else about my channel because I was afraid that I'd have to upload more regularly with more viewers, and since I don't have much free time to make videos and stuff, I would get stressed. I didn't bother telling my friends (on this site) about my channel out of fear of stress. However, my views changed over time. When I watched the BTS movie, I was feeling really happy and inspired and touched, it made me feel good and I wanted to be myself, and be honest with all my friends. That's why I decided to share my channel with you all. I just uploaded a video about the BTS movie (a review video: https://youtu.be/9zoS63cgB3I), and since this is a site where K-Pop fans unite, I decided to share the video and give it a try. Of course, none of you are obliged to watch it or anything, but upon deciding to be more open and honest with you guys, I made a chioce.

And that's it. That's all I have to say. I don't know why I'm making this blog, but I felt like explaining my situation... I'm not a professional YouTuber, and I only make my videos for fun. Is that all? Yeah, that's all. Thanks for reading this blog, and I hope you all are having a great day/night! {=^-^=}




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Hey, your covers are really cool! We need a Winter Bear cover ;)
I'll check it out tomorrow