hello, again!

hi all, it’s little old me back on the aff! i hope you’re all doing well! i doubt any of you will even see this since it’s been literal years since i’ve been on here. i want you all to know that cherish every comment and person who’s read my writing. i have been without a computer for over a year now, and while i do miss writing fic, i have no idea how to go about it with just a cell phone and paper. the main reason i’m back is to attempt to find a way to export my old writings to my phone or a cloud of somesorts. on the same note, i truly wish i was able to rework NN. i loved that story, and i truly wanted to keep working on it. sadly i have no way to access my old word documents that had my notes and rewrites. so i really don’t know how i would go about this. maybe i’ll figure it out! i love you all, thanks for giving me your support all those years ago. paige 🖤


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