Crush lol

Hey guys!! Wahhh! I'm really excited to tell you this story lol! hahahah. Btw my crush is from the University that I attend to!

Now lemme tell y'all my story lol hahah. I'll start from the very beginning.

The first time I saw my crush was on Social media, twitter to be exact. I was from a different school back then but at that time he was already a freshman in the university that I attend to. The reason that he got I saw him on twitter is beacuse his post went viral i think it's about 20k likes on twitter. LET ME BE CLEAr that at that time I still haven't had a crush on him, but I found him cute, but he was in now way of becoming my crush. Anyways I ended up stalking him on twitter, the reason is not because he's cute I stalked him because I saw that the course I enrolled in was the same with his, so to my benefit, I thought that I wiuld be ableto see some of his experiences in the university that I was going to study at, since I was really anxious on transferring to another school because it was my first time to transfer to a different school. 

So now the time came, and I now transferred to the university as a freshman and at that time he's my Sunbae. Days just went by, I was just really focused in different things since I was adjusting to the university and I really didn't see as my crush. Not until when our prelims came, Whenever its prelims/finals the seniors go to our building (Yeah sad we go to different buildings TT) in the morning the lower levels were gonna take the exams (so that's us freshmen) and after lunch time which is also the final exam for the day, the seniros will proceed to our building because it's now their turn to take their exams. So as I was going down the stairs with my friends I suddenly saw someone who looked familiar, he was in line waiting for the elevator. there i saw him, at first I was quite shocked since I can't believe that I suddenly saw him out of nowhere, since i only saw him on twitter. TO BE CLEAR when I saw him he still wasn't my crush, i was just really shocked.

Now this is ing it!!!!! I ing remember this day so clearly.This is the day I had a crush on him. It was my course's assembly day, it was like an activity for everyone in the same course, so regardless if you are a senior or a freshie YOU WERE GONNA BE IN THE SAME ROOM. So my classmates and I arrived at the venue, at first i was really all calm and , but then the President of our course's council then suddenly made us form two circles ( you do this two circles where there is an inner circle and an outer circle and it moves clockwise after a minute therefore making you meet and know all the people in the room. That's when I saw him he was on the other side, i really don't know why but that day HEE LOOKED SO ING CUTE. like I can't stop looking at him, but sadly the time was up and I wasn't able to meet him. He kept on walking in and outside of the venue. And then the afternoon came there was this show that was gonna be presented. And I swear to y'all the reason that he kept walking in and out the venue is that HE WAS GONNA ING PERFORM. He sang!! he mothering did! And his voice? Y'all could never! lol hahahah he was so amazing and ofc I was so amazed and encaptured by this. His voice was so handsome!. After that day, I wasn't able to see him again since we went in different buildings and he's a senior

So fast forward to the of this blog, this memory happened mid december when christmas was near. The university that I attend to had this event called "LIGHTING CEREMONY" wherein all of the university's chrsitmas decorations were being lit up for the first time. People stayed until night and gathered to the FIELD to watch the ceremony. So the evening came and we went back to school from one of my classmate's house, because we changed clothes and prepped ourselves. As we came back there were literally tons of people. I'm not exaggerating, really I swear that It was like there was a concert. So while walking to find our other classmates my friends noticed that i kept looking for my crush, but ofc they said that it's impossible to see him there, because of all the random people around. While walking I jokingly said "If I suddenly see him in this mass crowd of people then I'll ask him to take a picture with me", then we just laughed, my friend even though we know that there's a low chance of seeing him they also helped me lol hhahaah (supportive af). So, there were lines for the food stalls since they were giving free food to all,there's different brands therefor causing many different lines for food, we had this one classmate that falled in line for us so we won't be stuck at the end. so as we were looking for our classmate, I FINALLY gave up like I was not in the mood to look for him anymore. And THEN as we jumped from the other line I saw a familiar girl, that girl was my crush's bestfriend lol it's like wherever that girl is my crush is also there. So i ing scremed inside my head when i saw the girl and then my eyes moved away from here and . THERE HE IS, my crush with his friends I really can't calm my down when I saw him he looked so cute, maybe the only thing I didn't like about him is his height, it's sad that I'm taller than him TT lol. so Like my friends were murmuring his name loudly since they're teasing me to take a picture with him. but since im a DUMB , my shy went away and I didn't take a picture with him. there are still times that I regret not taking a pic with him. Now I'm not that into him anymore, i think that I don't crush on him that much anymore. I think i moved on. lol hahah

anyways all of that happened in our school's FIELD, and that field was ing wide, so i was really shookt to see him there, plus the swarm of people gathering. it was really a good memory.

Here's the picture of what the lighting ceremony looked like. Imagine that field being filled up with literally tons of people.





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Kuyaaaaa anong university mohhhhh??????
Awww sjsksjjajsbzaksb so cutee