nct 127 is cancelled

SM is ing cancelled that is.

I was trying to enjoy their japanese comeback, but instead I feel so angry??? so sad??? and so ing heartbroken. 

Johnny did not have one single line in End to Start, which could've been my favorite song of all time, but I just can't enjoy it. 


I'll write on Damned/Gifted yes... but if you're wondering why I'm so.... why I don't put out new stories or if I'm very quiet.... I am stressed and NCT does not bring me joy anymore. I cannot deal with things that are unfair, and I've had enough. 


Please tell me somebody understands??? I feel like I'm the only one. 


I will see if NCT 127's new comeback is anything good, but honestly... I just cannot enjoy their new song if I don't get to hear Johnny sing. I know he can. 



I'll probably delete this post after it's been ignored, but I'm just trying to reach out




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I get it. Its the reason I stay away from sm group . They're talented and good people but they work for an absolute disaster of a company. I lothe sm and have refused to support them since Jonghyung. I'm barely following sm groups and I've still been hearing about nct and all of the they're doing to the members. It's disappointing and honestly disgraceful how they treat their artists. That being said you are an amazing writer and I hope you will continue dispite this. I'm supporting you!!!
I feel you, Johnny is my UB in 127 and it really saddens and angers me that SM doesn't really appreciate his talent. I mean the dude trained for 9 YEARS before debuting and he still gets crap for lines...

I feel like since WinWin was put into WayV (dear God do I love them), NCT 127 hasn't really been hyping me up like they did before. Like, U is constantly changing (which I like the opportunities presented for other members through that unit) but they also seem to stick to some of the same members (ex. Taeyong, Mark, Doyoung etc). Dream isn't the same without Mark, and WayV took way to long to debut (super unfair to Kun btw) and their debut song kinda wasn't originally theirs (?). WayV, I feel, got cheated out of a proper debut and there's something about how their EP wasn't an official debut? Idk but I digress on that.

127 has so much potential with their line up so that songs could be split between who best fits the concept as those who are leading the majority of the song. Not the same 4-5 members each time. Or if SM is gonna do an English version of a song, they should have those who are fluent be more present (Mark was honestly represented amazingly in this aspect where Johnny and Jaehyun got pretty much yeeted. ONE LINE FOR MR. SUH SMH)
justminaa #3
No, you're definitely not alone :(

Idk, I feel like I'm slowly drift away from NCT as a whole and not as hype as before. Does that makes me a bad fan?? Uhh :/

I wasn't even that crazy about their comebacks like how I used to. Yes, I still look forward to it but sometimes I know, blindly like their posts but never really bothers to check the content carefully.

Idk what happen to me, really. But I still love them all. It just...I feel like there's something missing and I don't know that is it :o