My Recent Life

It's been a long time I last opened this website... I just wanna share that I'm in a confusing relationship... I don't even know if I'm in a relationship rn because he didn't tell me whether he want to break up with me but he just say bye and that there is no last chance... I have to say he is a hell of a Borderline... I don't know what to do anymore... I love him so damn much and we got into fights because I cared about him but he didn't think like that... How I wish that I can turn back time and fix all of that anger issues that I had πŸ˜­πŸ˜­πŸ˜”πŸ˜”


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The best thing to do is to ask him straight up what's going on between you two.

Tell him you're confused. Tell him everything you feel. If there are things you are sorry about, then apologize.

If you're going to tell or ask him something do it on a straightforward manner. Don't do it on a roundabout way because boys are just too dumb to get the subtle signals that girls very much like to send (am a boy, can testify to that).

I hope you can find your happiness whatever the result of this would be.