110918 11:13pm — 650+ views n gojng strong!! : november is fake so happy december!! lets earn this coal, folks!


kinda wanna get laid. kinda want friends. shrug emoji


edit: perhaps i DID forget to fill the personality section out but dont mind that okay its 12am



about this offer001 #bg

hello! i don't really know how to start this uhmm..

i originally made this offer to get dicked down or something but meh. i think this could be an offer about anything! i've been needing friends lately to talk to and mess around with since it gets pretty lonely sometimes. and lately i've just been wanting to f^ck. do we gotta? nah. but.. like.. yknow... the offer is still on the table...

we can have rabbit dates! i know lots of good cartoons/animation movies for us to watch together! i'm always up for new movies and will always respect your preference and stuff! (just no gore bc i really cant handle that D: !!!!! ) during the week may be a bit hard to catch us at a good time to watch bc, yknow, tmz differences buuuuut weekends are always good!

we can play games! everyone uses plato, i think, to play together on so that's always an option! i at everything but uno >~<. i'm quite competitive though so prepare to get your handed to ya, buddy!!! uwu

i'm up for anything and open to any suggestions! you could, like, idk.... do some crazy . listen i dont know. i'm just down for anything.... i think.

my platforms are everywhere. i can use line, discord, twitter, kkt, whatsapp, etc. but i mostly use kkt. twitter is 2nd place. those are the only two things i use a lot and check on the most. the rest of the platforms i mentioned are ones that i use but not very often. if you do choose those platforms which i dont use very often then expect slow replies. i forget a lot to check 'em. and imma be real with you, chief..... checking lots of apps for messages gets confusing and overwhelming. long story short.. i dont recommend it but i won't turn it down if you do request to be on another platform. id most likely turn down facebook though... sh^t's confusing.

i've met my fair share of people on here. some were nice and others were real f^cking creepy *shivers*. so, like, please don't be the creepy type! i'll instantly stop replying and just ghost you or something. f^ckboys are kinda, mostly, ugly too. it's a turn off and i'll probably stop replying as well. just please be nice or casual :<

me002 #personality

Personality Put that here.

Likes fruits, animals, flowers, cartoons, sweets, movies

Dislikes loud noises, mean people, bugs, closed spaces, 

Hobbies drawing, singing, dancing, taking walks

Secrets i think candy corn is disgusting-- >w<

Fears arguments, love, etc

The Quirks Fun Facts About me.
— i have tons of animal jokes to share that i think are funny!
— i'm like a mom. i care for everyone n i'm protective >w<.
— i could eat apples and only apples forever.
— i can survive on 3 hours of sleep.
— i use owo and mostly uwu as punctuation or just in general. like.. a lot.

i talked a bit of myself in the section above but this just goes in a bit more deeper.

first, my fc is bts' jungkook. i know a lot of people don't like bts and all but, like, gimme a chance yeah? i'm really really shy  and get intimidated easily. i use a lot of emoticons when im flustered or shy like uwu or >~< / ><.
i'm really really stubborn and bratty so i recommend not to take up on this offer if you're an impatient person :<. i'm really really comfortable w casual chatting that either stays that way or turns into eventual rping. i'm always down to plot at the start though!

i'm really sweet and kind annnnd caring! we don't have to know each other for a long time for me to care lots for ya! i'm great at listening and giving advice when needed nnn i love helping people a lot!!

i am a whole panual (yes, we exist dx) so... like... ladies.... don't be afraid to hmu as well. disclaimer that i'm a whole sub n i can barely dom to save my life... i think.

bts' jeon jeongguk003 #faceclaim

behind the scenes004 #notes


gmt - 7. if im plotting, etc. my replies are slower than just casual chatting. replies will most likely get done at night.


platforms are kkt and twt.


if you're interested then pm me your @ or twt handle and i'll message you as soon as i see it/can! don't wanna send me yours for some reason? no worries, i can just give you mine!


impatient or can't deal with bratty or stubborn people? exit this! turn away! bad bad bad!


friends, frickbuddies, etc. all allowed and welcomed! creeps? not allowed! you could be the most subbiest sub or something and i'd still want to be your friend, bruv! 


listen... please don't be a creep. i know i keep saying this but like... this one interaction w/ a guy who took up on one of my offers left me speechless.


still deciding? i'll give you a free drawing, in crayon, to show my appreciation for you taking up on my offer! uwu

hey, listen!005 #recap



I don't know what to put here lol it's just extra space because i organized this a tad different.

uhhh. (2)


I don't know what to put here lol it's just extra space because i organized this a tad different.

uhhh. (3)


I don't know what to put here lol it's just extra space because i organized this a tad different.

gmt -7




jeongguk fc




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