hey, you. care for some company?


looking for roleplay partners and/or friends.


i’m back. it’s been quite some time since i’ve last roleplayed and the communities aren’t doing it anymore. so i’m looking for like-minded bodies who’d be willing to be readily entertained. in every sense of the word.


i. somewhere along the plus gmt. replies usually stagger along the day. highly nocturnal. in short, this is the least of your problems.


ii. semi-lit to lit. i mirror your replies from style to length. i do have a soft spot for para-novellas so do let me know if that’s right up your alley.


iii. casual talking and plotting are both welcome. au or non-au. i’m here mostly to make friends on top of everything else.


iv. all green to sm*tting. no limits. strictly nsa. other than that, all’s good.


v. top. dominant, caregiver. 


  • platform: line. (highly negotiable. i just use line far more frequently.)
  • my fcs: taehyung is my def. but this also depends on platform. 
  • your fcs: doesn’t matter. i focus on content.


i’m not sure if i left anything out but do leave me a message. i suppose i will try not to disappoint.


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Hey love I’m interested!