No Heechul in the Comeback :(

Heechul basically said in his Weibo Live that he wasn't going to be in the new album at all.

He said he was too sick and it was too soon for him to participate.

He hinted that he'd be in the comeback next year, but not this time for health reasons.

I just hope he uses this time to rest and get better and doesn't spend it overexerting himself filming TV shows. I love seeing him on TV, but I feel like he signs up for these shows because he feels bad about not being able to dance with the other members and wants his fans to be happy. Please, Heechul stay home and rest! Snuggled under the covers with Heebum and Bok and go to the doctor. It makes me sad to see him sick like this. I want him to be healthy and happy.

I'lll wait for him to heal and be even more excited when he can comeback with a bright smile on his face.

I'm still going to buy the new album and I will support the others 100%, but part of the excitement is gone this time. It feels like when the released y, Free, & Single when Heechul was in the army. I remember buying the albums and watching all the performances, but feeling like there was something special missing the entire time.Β 

I'll miss you in the album, Heechul, but you need to rest.

You better rest and not work too much.

Go get some sleep.


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Heechul :(
HyeJin34 #2
I'm gonna miss my heenim, gonna miss my sassy diva but health takes presidense