Which BTSxRed Velvet ship would you like me to write about?

Hello everyone!

I'm currently in the process of working on a project, a short story that sprung from an idea that came to me a few weeks ago and refuses to leave my brain. It will be fairly short, with a maximum of 10 chapters. The genre is sci-fi, and it's roughly about space pirates and alien treasures.

As I'm a bangtan reveluv hoe, there will almost 100% be at least one bangtanvelvet ship. The question is, who?

This is where you come in!

Please comment which ships you would like to see in the story, and if you want, which characters you'd like to see. The focus is on BTS and Red Velvet, but there are plenty of other characters and cameos too.

Here's a snippet from what I've written so far, to ignite your curiosity and help you get a feel of the story.





“Sorry, but no. Space piracy is ing dead.”

“Space piracy is ing dead?” Jimin repeats.

“Yeah man, mothering dead as a… dead.” Jungkook shrugs, crossing his arms over his chest and leaning back in his seat. Once upon a time it would’ve creaked under the pressure, but not anymore. Now it’s so damaged the material was too stiff to move even under the weight of a star. “And I just don’t want to risk my life for something like that. Consider the facts, man. The Golden Age was, what? five, ten years ago? Human tech has progressed, you can’t just get in and get out like in the good old days. They have good surveillance now, not the Earth kind, supreme Rexannian bots. And I’m not even talking about the cybertech they finally managed to steal from RA-76. Nobody can get past that, not with any tech from the black market, and definitely, definitely not with something like this.” He hits the back of his seat, and the once elastic fabric doesn’t even budge.

“Space piracy is ing dead!?” Jimin, it seems, doesn’t even listen to him. His face is red with anger, and his mouth is open in disbelief. “Space piracy… dead… Come on!” He slams his fists against the control board of the ship, and it gives out a very concerning rattle in response. The ship almost changes its course, and for a second Jungkook thinks that they might end up crashing into a star or something just as unfortunate. Not that Jimin notices. Thank god for the AI flying the ship. “I can’t believe you. How can you say something like that? That… man, that just hurts my feelings.”

Jungkook cringes. “I’m sorry, Jimin. You know I’m just saying what everybody’s saying. Damn, even Jin agrees, and you know that all Jin knows is how to look pretty and be a pirate. He’s been in the game years before us, and he’s been telling that we all should get out for the past two years.”

“Well, that’s Jin’s problem, isn’t it? He’s too old for this. He’s lost his touch. An old parashrew can no longer sniff out its prey.”

“Maybe, but Jin’s a legend -”

Was a legend, my dear friend. Was.” Jimin corrects with a smirk on his face - still red, but no longer in threat of exploding into a thousand bloody pieces from all the blood pressure in his veins. His right eye gleams with mischief, his left with the glow of cybernetics. It's a dangerous sort of gleam, one that fell many a bandit and nearly got the both of them killed at least a dozen times. “It’s time for new legends to rise. And I think that you and I are perfect for the role.”

Jungkook looks his companion over, and there is so much fierce determination in Jimin that he can’t help but question himself. Sure, Jimin has always had his shortcomings - partial madness and a tendency to almost die every time he set his mind to something, but he never really died, so that has had to account to something. Plus, his charisma has always been all-consuming, and mad or not, he’s had some pretty darn clever plans before. So, Jungkook looks him over again and then sighs in defeat. It wouldn’t hurt to ask some questions, he guesses. “Fine, I’m willing to listen. But only listen!” He quickly adds as Jimin’s smirk blossoms into a full-blown grin. “There’s still the matter of the bots and the unhackable tech. Do you really think you can do anything about those on this old piece of garbage?”

“Ouch. You almost hurt my feelings.” A monotone voice fills the air around them.

Jungkook raises his eyebrows and almost rolls his eyes. “Seriously? You programmed your ship to be sarcastic? Is there really nothing better you could’ve done with your money?”

“I will have you know that Irene is the most beautiful spacecraft I have ever laid my eyes on, and any suggestion that she isn’t is highly unwelcomed on this board.” Jimin says in an offended tone that is a tad too pleased to be sincere. “She’s a real beauty -”

“She’s also, like, fourty.”

“ - And anyone would’ve been lucky to have her as theirs.” The man continues in his usual overly dramatic tone. “... And yeah dude, what else should I spend my money on? Alien hookers like you? I care about my baby. Plus, how cool is that they’ve developed Artificial consciousness now? I can’t wait until the legalize machine marriages, Irene and I are going to be the first in line.”

“There’s nothing in this entire  universe that will make me marry you.” Irene’s voice is monotone, but somehow Jungkook can still hear the mild disgust in it. God, man technology truly has progressed tremendously ever since Earth was accepted into the Galactic Union. These years were great for humankind, less so for pirates. Good of the few versus good of the many is truly a ty debate.

“She doesn’t like to show love in front of strangers.” Meanwhile, Jimin laughs awkwardly, hand scratches at the back of his fiery head. “I swear she loves me, it’s not creepy!” At the unimpressed look Jungkook gives him, the other guy gives up. “Ahem, what were we talking about?”

“How we’re going to bypass the bots and cybertech.”

“Oh, yeah, right. How we’re going to bypass the bots and cybertech.” Jimin grins again. “We’re not.”

“What do you mean we’re not?” Jungkook’s jaw practically meets Irene’s pizza-dirty floor.

With yet another overly-dramatic gesture, Jimin reaches for the pocket of his jacket and pulls out a HPlate. The small device seems damaged, almost entirely corrupted from the crack on its interface button. It takes Jimin a few tries to make it work, but when he manages, the HPlate stirs to life, and projects an holographic image before them. It flickers and the colors are wrong, and it takes Jungkook a few times to understand what he’s looking at. “Coordinates?”

“Coordinates.” Jimin confirms, clicking on the button and shutting the device.

Jungkook waits for his companion to continue, but Jimin is dramatic as ever, and remains silent until Jungkook caves in. “Coordinates for what, Jimin?”

“For a meeting.” He says with the glee of a child during the first trip to space. Then he shuts his mouth once more.

Jungkook rolls his eyes. “Dude, I’m not going to coax out every little detail out of you. Can you just get on with it?”

“You’re such a party pooper.”

“And you wonder why I refuse to marry you.” Irene mutters from above them.

“Thank you, Irene.” Jungkook says at the same time as Jimin groans in utter betrayal. “Well?”

“I don’t like how you two gang up on me.” The guy informs them, but clears his throat and continues. “Tell me, my friend, what do you know about Big Hit?”




It's just a small snippet, but I hope it can inspire you to comment and help me choose the ships! The writing will be mostly humorous, as I'm trying out a new style, but it doesn't mean it will be fluffy and silly. Expect adventure, humor, but also drama and some darker themes. I'm trying to make it realistic, even if it is a scifi comedy.

Right now I'm super inspired for this story, and am writing like the wind, but I probably won't post any chapters until I'm at least halfway through with it. That's mostly because I don't want to abandon the story in the middle, and so that you guys will get consistent updates. Hopefully I'll manage!

Thank you in advance for anyone who'll comment their opinion! It means a lot to me!

Also, if you have a suggestion for a name for the story, I'll be more than happy to hear! Right now I have no clue, and I need all the help that I can get ^_^"


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Yoongi and Seulggiiii
nyuknyetyoo #2
Vjoy maybe? Hehe btw the story seems really cool!
whoa this is a really cool au! i'd second jungri but also maybe vjoy? c:
Jungri <3 <3 <3
And the story seems really cool ! Love the snippet and the Star Wars's feels