The weirdest ing dream lmao

So today I had the weirdest in dream ever. So before continuing i need to clarify that I am not an army. Not even close lol! But I do respect bts and like their music. Alot actually. I just didn't try to get to know the members or to enter the fandom. So all I know about bts is some of their songs and the members' names. And that's it. Okay back to the dream.

At first it was Pretty much a nightmare. I dreamed that while I was walking in the streets a van pulled over and I was dragged inside and was kidnapped. I kept screaming and eventually was able to open one of the van's windows and pretty much threw myself out of it lol! So the people in the streets started attacking the van and I managed to run away until I found an old oriental looking building. So here's where everything gets weird 😂 i ran inside the building and found stairs leading up to a small door. I decided that I'll hide inside there until things were safe for me to go out. So I opened the door and went inside only to find the largest ing modern looking library ever 😂 idk how I ended up there but it was some kind of school and everyone there was wearing uniform except me so i was panicking that I might get caught but out of absolutely nowhere my friend came and dragged me to a table in the far back corner and proceeded to scold me for not studying when we have exams the next day (I told you this dream was ing weird lmao) so i sat down and started studying and completely forgot about my kidnapping just moments ago 😂 so while we were studying we suddenly hear excited whispers around us. We look up curiously and found BTS just strolling into the library like they owned the ing place and for some reason they had their family with them and managers. I figured they were there for protection lol! So anyway. They come in and take the table infront lf us to study. Everyone was excited of course but even though kpop is lifeu. Exams are still gonna us up so everyone got over it and returned to studying. As i did too. But my friend just suddenly was sitting next to the star of this dream. Jungkook and they were talking and he was flirting with her so much that i just hated him in my dream lol! He kept playing with her hair and patting her head and just flirting around. It was so annoying lmao! Anyway, so he noticed me looking their way so he smiled and winked at me. I snickered and shook me head and just mumbled to my friend about how if he was Hyukkie I would have literally died lol! (Hyukjae is my ultimate bias so of ing course I'd die if he winked at me) seeing that I didn't give a , jungkook was surprised or annoyed idk really 😂 and he stood up before walking and standing infront of me. I don't remember what he said but it was something about whether I was a fan or not so I just told him that no. I was not a fan and that I was an ELF 😂 he was just like the ? And he started flirting with me but the me in the dream didn't give two s ( if that happened irl  I'd die, resurrect, then die again. Idgaf that I'm not an army. If a fine man like him flirted with me, i'd say yes and accept his marriage proposal even though he didn't propose to ).  He was for some reason intriguid by that and started getting closer. Didn't know what he wanted to do because again. The me in the dream pushed him back. And for some other unknown reason he liked me lol! So anyway long story short I ended up falling for him and we went out for awhile until his sister (idk if he has one irl but he had one in my dream so...) came and told me that i wasn't good for him and that I should give this up and bla bla bla which i took to heart and we ended up breaking up lmao! And while I was crying after the break up with him trying to cheer me up, I woke up 😂 and that's all folks! Told ya it was a weird dream 😂 but it was nice. The last thing i'd expect is for me to dream about Jungkook but it happened 😂 it's so ing random but I liked it so whateva. It was a looooong dream with many details but I forgot everything and that's all I remember so yeah 😂  

Wonder who I'll dream about next lol!


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