
Hey, it's time I wrote a blog. I want to talk seriously about this... Kim Jonghyun of SHINee faced depression and after calming down, after hours... I remembered SUGA also experiencing depression. I am not trying to compare the two but Suga must have felt the same at some point... To kill himself and just leave the world. It scares me. It terrifies me. I recalled the Ladies' code accident and immediately remembered how people mourned over their death. I did not know who the members were and had no attachment because I barely knew them. I prayed for them silently for them to rest in peace. When I was outside yesterday, helping my mum with her errands. I came back and to find out only after dinner... The news of one of my favourite idols died... My heart broke into two. There are people who are following in his footsteps but we should not do that. We should be strong for him and tell the tale of how he was like in person, how great he was, how much he shined on stage, what he made people realise and how he captured people's hearts. I may not be the biggest fan of SHINee but I had an attachment to them. To no longer, his voice in real life, to only realise that he was facing so much pain under a facade. It shook me out of this world I have created for myself. It snapped me back to reality. He has returned to the stars, where he belongs. I wish I could be there to mourn and cry my soul out for such an amazing performer and singer. People may cover his songs but it won't be the same as the original.

I needed to talk about this because I have no one's shoulder to cry over this matter, to talk about this matter. I am just one of the many fans he has but we can't just leave this cruel yet beautiful world because he has left it.  Like I said, It made me realise that we are in a relationship with our idols. We have to remember that they are humans... Once someone said to EXO-Ls... EXO is our peter pan and we are their Tinkerbell. We will never be their Wendy. We will be there to give a shoulder. We will be there to give them a shoulder. We are the ones who will support them. There are groups which worked their off and there are people who left the industry or the group to find their happiness. I began to realise that it's better if they leave the group or industry rather than leaving the world. This has been a rather heart-wrenching news to everyone, but we must move on. We must learn to slowly accept this. I will say this to anyone who reads this... If you need help, please pm me. I want to be a listening ear to anyone who needs it. We, kpop fans, should not disrespect one another's music but we must unite for now. All jokes and fanwars aside, let us pray to the god above and constantly remind ourselves that we must not submit to such temptations and move forward. Don't kill yourself slowly, talk to someone about it. The more you stress over something and slowly keep all your problems to yourself... the quicker you'll get slowly insane. Everyone needs an outlet, a listener, a shoulder to cry on. Don't let the evil voice in your mind tell you to do such things. Continue to push yourselves forward to the dreams ahead of you.

Once more... Kim Jonghyun, main vocalist of SHINee... May you rest in peace and look over SHINee, your family members and shawols. If you ever were to be reincarnated, we will try to return the love, passion and happiness provided to us. You will forever be missed by us. My condolences to SHINee members, Shawols, his beloved friends and most importantly, his beloved family members.

We love you, our vocal angel.


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