Boneless_Cat, Lily, 70/100
FULL NAME  수시영 Soo Siyoung
      수시 / Sosi - Sosi orignally started as a pet name given to her by other trainees of FNC. Eventually the name stuck to her like glue and actually started allowing people to call her that instead of her real name of Siyoung. It stuck to her so much that it eventually became a stage name.
        잃어버린 강아지 /  A lost puppy - Quiet is practically Siyoung's middle name, but so is also clingy. Back when she began developing feelings for a certain younger boy she began following him around, sending him glances eventually all of his friends stared to regard her as a lost puppy. They never stopped, even now. 
DATE OF BIRTH  04/19/96
BIRTH PLACE  Daegu,  North Gyeongsang Province, South Korea
HOMETOWN  Seoul, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea
ETHNICITY  South Korean
             Korean - Siyoung's mother tongue, you'd think she has a Daegu accent but she doesn't. Living in Seoul for 9 years must've changed the way she talks.
            English - Siyoung is semi-fluent in English. She is not your average Idol broken English, in a matter of fact she is very decent. She can form grammatical sentences and can hold up a medium-leveled conversation. In school she excelled in her English class.
           Japanese - While her time spent under FNC, she was forced to study Japanese, considering FNC's major market is in Japan so I guess it's required. Siyoung studies Japanese like it's another class, although it is not as prominent as her English it is still somewhat solid, espcially for a foreigner. She doesn't study Japanese as much anymore.
APPEARANCE  In her official profile she is stated to be 162cm tall and to weigh 52kg. Of course, many people don't believe her height, Siyoung has the gift of having long slender legs compared to the rest of her body giving her the appearance of being taller. At late 2017, Siyoung had chest height, chestnut hair  that was always straight yet was thick. She has cat like eyes with a monolid and an oval face.
"There is always another mountain, we have to live our lives by climbing and climbing until we rise as high as we can or fall from the climb."- Soo Siyoung
Responsible, Dutiful, Sincere, Analytical, Reserved, Realistic, Systematic, Clingy, Stubborn, Insensitive, Judgmental, Vague, Closed-off, Biased, Nosy, Honest, Pessimistic, Lawful, Quiet, Motherly, Devoted
A for Analytical - A skill that Siyoung is quite proud of. She can easily figure out ill-complex or even complex porblems by making sensible decisions, wheather they benifit her or someone else. She uses this skill in many trainee life such as playing the guitar, or soothing drama among trainees. 
B for Biased - Let us be frank. If you put up an innocent boy or guilty her boyfriend,and if there is not enough evidence, she'd chose to chastise the innocent boy. Siyoung is slightly biased when it comes to descision making. And if there is enough evidence she might ignore some in order to save someone close to her.
C for Clingy - Despite her robotic and strict nature Siyoung still has feelings. If you make something in here tingle, get ready to have an overbearing shadow who will never leave your side. She love giving hugs basically spooning and holding hands with others. And she always ready on the recieving end. 
D for Devoted Leader - Frankly, Siyoung's love being in a leader position. She loves the responsiblity of having the manage a whole group and make important descisions for a group. While many people would find the role of being a leader stresssful, Siyoung might enjoy it. Although she might lose to someone who is more outgoing.
E for Education - Learning is key thing in everyone's life. Without the feeling of learning, there is no sense of maturing. Siyoung will live and die by these words. She values her education more than anything. In school she was a part of the top 2% of students in her school and top 5% in her district. Now attending university she is currently doing a double-major, majoring in Music compensistion, and Majoring in Mathmatics. She has no respect for anyone who drops out of school. Exceptions include BoA.
F for Flowers -  Daisies, Lillies, Roses, Bellflowers, Carnations, Peonies, Tulips and plenty more. Ever since she was young Siyoung has been a lover of flowers, even having her own garden in the backyard. Everyday she'd check on her flowers to make sure they don't wither, and when they do she is emotionally distruat. Now she doesn't have a garden now, but she does have plant pots in the dorm.
G for Guitars & Singing - In her late elementary life, she picked up on music and instantly fell in love with it. She loved playing the guitar the most, but in highschool was taken over by a love of singing. It was this love that eventaully got her scouted by FNC Entertainment, where she began training as a band trainee. 
H for Honesty - Integrity is the heart of the Siyoung's personality. Emotional manipulation, mind games and reassuring lies all run counter to her preferences for managing the reality of the situations they encounter with plain and simple honesty.
I for Insensitive - While not intentionally harsh, Siyoung often hurt more sensitive types of people's feelings by the simple mantra that honesty is the best policy. She may take emotions into consideration, but really only so far as to determine the most effective way to say what needs to be said.
J for Judgmental - Opinions are opinions and facts are facts, and Siyoung is unlikely to respect people who disagree with those facts, or especially those who remain willfully ignorant of them.
K for Knowlegable - Siyoung is are proud dispenser of knowledge, though the emphasis is more on facts and statistics than concepts and underlying principles, although these abilities are useless to her know, she still consider's it helpful to know. This allows Siyoung to 'apply' herself to a variety of situations, picking up and applying new information, whether a number or gossip, and grasping the details of challenging situations as a matter of course.
L for Lawful - Siyoung believes that world will only ever work with clearly defined rules, but this makes her reluctant to bend those rules or try new things, even when the downside is minimal. Truly unstructured environments, situations and even people leave Siyoung all but paralyzed. It is this lawfulness which forces Siyoung's hand to do things which don't make as likable as she hopes.
M for Motherly Instinct - Many would say that she has instincts of a mother of a parent in general. She is a firm believer of saving the young and perserving them until they come old. So eventually she'll become parental to anyone younger than her. Unless you're born in 1997 because what is the point of being parental to someone 1 year younger? These include  taking the younger girls to school, cooking, cleaning and what you'd expect from a mother. 
N for Nosy - Siyoung apologizes in advance, but what was the purpose of human ears? To listen to information to further mature your knowledge of the world. However Siyoung will never help but try and understand everything about everyone so she can be the nosiest person you'll ever meet. As soon as she hears an alligation she'll research, interrogate others until she finds the truth. And eavesdropping is very common
O for Organized - Siyoung very much so loves having things in order, so things to be organized is an absolute must for her. If things are not organized she'll have the impulse to organize them no matter what. If she has a messy room then she might as well go nuts. Her workspace is always clean and organized
P for Pessimistic - No matter how much you try and comfort her, Siyoung knows the facts. She knows that in most possible cases only the worse result will arise, it's just facts. Her pettiness believes that eventually she'll be elminated and it motivates her on to keep trying.
Q for Quiet - Siyoung isn't the most talkitive person in the world, blame the walls she builds. Anyone would call her shy, but that's not really the case, it's just she doesn't have anything to say most of time. However this causes a lot of misunderstandings as she also can't really project her feelings well either, so many would see her as a cold hearted bxxxh. Misunderstandings flood her life and she knows that if she tries to clean her mess, she'll only spill more of a mess, hence it makes her more quiet and reserved. She'll open up if the situation requires it, or if you are very very  special someone to her.
R for Responsible - Siyoung's word is a promise, and a promise means everything in the world to her. She would rather run themselves into the ground with extra days and lost sleep than fail to deliver the results they said they would. Loyalty is a strong sentiment for Siyoung and she will, not hopes, will fulfill her duties to the people  she has committed herself to.
S for Stubborn - The facts are the facts, and Siyoung tend to resist any new idea that isn’t supported by them. This factual decision-making process also makes it difficult for her to accept that they were wrong about something – but anyone can miss a detail, even them.
T for Time Management - Siyoung believes that it's her gift to have the ability to make time for basically anything. She is quite good at marking out scheldules and being able to caculate from how to get from one place to the other. It's how she succeded school and sucessfully got into Univeristy.
U for Unfaithful - Siyoung doesn't belive in faith, religon etc. Full well she prefers the facts over some fiction. Not saying she doesn't enjoy fiction. But she truely understands religon as a needless cash grab and hope for someones better tomorrow. Unfaithfulness also mean that she believes no one can change, strive as they might they can never change.
V for Vague - One thing Siyoung isn't good at is being clear in what she is saying. She is very bad at telling people on how she truly feels. She basically assumes that people know what she is means by saying she is not feeling good. Overall this causes a lot of misunderstandings and she wishes that she'll become better at opening herself up. She highly doubts it, she doesn't believe that she will ever conquer quote not being vague
W for Walls - Being quiet, reserved, vague and truly never knowing what someone wants forces Siyoung into walls. All this can combine to make her believe she is the only ones who can see through the day, practice and projects reliably. Through these walls of never giving up and achieving her dreams, she turns away good intentions and helpful ideas. Eventually, sooner or later, Siyoung will hit a tipping point where she simply can’t deliver. Since all she has done was heap the responsibility on herself, and then Siyoung will believe the responsibility for failure is hers alone to bear. Will these walls ever come down? Maybe not now as she readies herself to step into the new and flashy idol life.
X for Xylotomous - A fancy term of being able to cut wood. One date that she went on with Youngkyun involved woodcutting, although Youngkyun struggled to chop lumber, Siyoung sliced through it, and hence she now takes this in her stride, and the word.
Y for Younger People - Siyoung has never really fancied an older person, as friends or as lovers. When it comes right down to it, she would prefer a younger person in her marriage rather than older person. Younger people are generally cuter and it's much easier to squish their cheeks and take care off than someone older. Her one wish, if she was the oldest member of the group, or at least one of the elder ones.
Z for Zoomy - Siyoung has a bad habit of doing things to quickly, wheather it be a paper for school, or dance moves in a song. She just likes having things done so that the work day can end quicker.
Siyoung doesn't remember much of her childhood, what's the point on focusing on the past rather than the now? She only remembers chuncks but can't remember all the little intervals perhaps they were meaningless. From her early years, she remembers nothing, only that she was born in Daegu.
Siyoung was an only child to a businessman, no mother. Eventually Siyoung's smartness came against her because when she was 6 she figured out that she was adopted, in which she was. Her father wasn't exactly wealthy and to top it off when she was 5 he was 45. Because of his job she doesn't really see him often and she gets the apartment to herself. The apartment was a small one located on the 6th floor of a highrise building in Seoul, it had a balcony so that's a plus. It was on this balcony that Siyoung kept her flower garden in check. The garden wasn't anything to special, in a matter of fact it was there just before they moved as a decoration. When Siyoung first saw she knew it was faded and that she had to fix it, and hence her love of flowers was escorted in.
Siyoung by the time she was 7 was cooking and cleaning herself as her fathers hours became more hetic. Siyoung became her own mother, she'd a story to go to bed, she'd cook, she'd care for her 'flower babies', she'd clean. And all her father would do was come home with clothes and food. Eventually a gap grew stronger between them, some nights her father wouldn't come home at all, and the fact that it isn't even her true dad wasn't adding anything either. So in the midst of the lonley nights that she'd find comfort in, get this, studying. Yes she felt more comfort with the multiplication table in her bedroom, and the books on her desk than her living parental figure. Looking back she could say that something is a bit wrong with that.
2 years later her teacher gave her a gift, she doesn't remember the teacher. This teacher found out about her life and gave her the gift of a guitar, it gave her company during lonely nights when she was younger so it should do good for Siyoung. Which it did, she loved strumming it while staring out her window into the Seoul nightlife. Eventually when she returned to teacher the teacher taught her chords to strum too, which was amazing. Siyoung discovered chords on her own and it was like she had found a rare flower in the desert. 
Highschool and she quickly climbed the ranks of her school. Time management became a notorious skill for her, she studied hard and then cooled down by playing the guitar. She became famous among the school for being the smartest girl most likely to be an idol, funny. It was at a highschool talent show where Siyoung performed a rendition of FT Island's 'I Hope'  to the crowd, shocking some and pleasing others. But the praise wasn't the highlight of the show, it was the scout from FNC Entertainment how snuck in. He immdietly asked Siyoung if she'd like to be a part of FNC. Siyoung had nothing better to do, so why not?
Her favorite flower is a Winter Jasmine
Her favourite song to play on the guitar is Let It Be by the Beatles
Her favourite food has always and forever more will be sweet potatoes
She has always been a foodie really, but the only food she can't stand is Starfruit
Her favourite color is navy blue followed closely by Red
She has a personal twitter @So_Sii96
She has many relations to FNC idols during her time under FNC, some of them more sour than others cough cough SF9 cough cough
Her go to hairstyle is a simple ponytail
She has one weakness and it's called being younger than her
She has her driving lisence
For a date she went diving in the Han River with Youngkyun... Sanghyuk's idea. She almost got arrested that day.
SF9's song Together was an original accoustic by Soo Siyoung, but she isn't creditied because the arrangment had the same melody and rhythem, but different instrunments.
김영균 Kim Youngkyun, 18, Ex-Lover, Idol
The baby I broke.
Kim Youngkyun, well now known as Hwiyoung, was truely a boy which made Siyoung feel butterflies. Entering her life in 2014 when he became a trainee under FNC. The way he moved was so elegant and graceful, he'd try so hard to be manly but it end being a fluffy mess. He would cry at the simplist of things and when he was bullied he'd basically break, only strengthening her love for him. She wanted to take care of him, protect him from the entire world. She loved him. She ended up following him and sending him loving glances, causing all of the other boys to call her A Lost Puppy. He knew her, parshly, he just knew her as apart of the classes he took along side her. Nothing really blossomed until it was just them two alone. Siyoung fell for the younger even more, and Youngkyun felt protected when he was around her.
Of course everyone shipped it, it was loving and adorable, until they actually began dating in 2015.
In the beginning it was beautiful, she'd always pack extra lunch for him, he'd take her into his house and have dates, he'd make her text tone him saying Noona! in the most adorable way possible and she'd spoil him like no tomorrow. It was Youngkyun who gave her the name Sosi, which is what she is known for now. 
But there was one massive problem in the relationship, Youngkyun was at the end of middle school, Siyoung had graduated highschool. It was this fact alone which creeped people out, including the staff at FNC who knew of the relationship. It creeped a lot of people out, and they didn't really care, until Siyoung began to care.
While dating Youngkyun she'd become so abosored, she's forgotten her values too. Her values of education and being strong and independet and shaping others to be the same. With Youngkyun she felt like she was doing the oppisite, practically babying him, never allowing him to mature, she felt like everything she wanted was broken.
So it was the sensible and right choice that at the beginning of 2016 she'd end it with her beloved Kyunnie, and besides he'd begun promotion as Neoz School. Although to her it was reasonable, to everyone else apart of his group, it was ruthless, heart-wrenching, mean and uncalled for. How she did it was cruel, on the roof, in the middle of a date, when she denied Youngkyun his first kiss. The break-up was vague and she didn't really address what she was feeling.
Youngkyun never forsaw her breaking up with him, but when she did it crushed him, so much so he was considering of dropping out becoming an idol. For such a hard break-up for someone so young, it scared him, a scar that no simple wash could erase. He became in a shell and what seemed like a depressed child. This hurt both Neoz's hearts and Siyoung's heart. She quickly regretted what she had done. This isn't him naturing this is him going backwards. She knew that as soon as Seokwoo and Inseong were asking for to be out of the company, that she had to leave. Her guilt still follows her around.
If she and Youngkyun were to ever meet again, it'd have to be alone, and the one thing he'd ask is why. Will they ever get back together? Not with Youngkyun's new dating ban, and besides, he's got his brothers for hearth. Leaving Siyoung alone with a sense of guilt. God bless if she were ever to see him in real life.
에스에프나인 SF9, Idol Boy group
My Once Henchmen, now they hate me.
She knew SF9 one at a time. In the beginning she only met Juho and Seokwoo, followed by Taeyang then Sanghyuk then Chanhee then Youngbin, then Youngkyun and finally Inseong and Jaeyoon. Missing the oppurtunity to debut with AOA was minuet for Siyoung, but to the boys they thought that it had destroyed her, so they pledge to make her feel better, but totally not offering themselves up to her. Even Seokwoo smacking her on the lips for her first. But nothing major happend between the boys and her until she began dating Youngkyun. They started acting like friendly and adorkable body guards of the two, planning elaborate dates for their favorite couple of all time. But when they broke-up it was an instant click from she's so sweet to she's a w***e. That click made everyone change. They wouldn't allow Youngkyun to see her, when she was around they'd become protective of him, holding onto him, and in the younger members' case they dropped honorifics around her. Even Seokwoo, Inseong, Sanghyuk and Jaeyoon, she didn't know the last two were in this opperation, to have her removed from FNC. All the while comforting a shell of a boy after a bad break-up.
Try stopping them from saying anything bad to Siyoung's face and she knows it. If she sees them again, she knows that they won't control themselves. 
엔플라잉, N.Flying, Band
Probably the only boys that like me from that company, but they should hate me.
She didn't spend much time with them, overall she only spent time with them because she had no other band trainees to really talk to, sad. However she did disconnect with them after began dating Youngkyun. However after she moved companies they started to contact her again, not so much though. She wants to meet them again in real life, take them out to dinner sometime, perhaps when they aren't busy. She also wants to meet Hweseung, who she didn't know what so ever, but is now a part of their group.
에이오에이 AOA, Idol Girl Group
Just missed the oppurtunity, am I sad? No. Do I miss them? Yes.
The female trainees she knew and love. She was the new girl all the time and came just in time for the members to be selected. She misses all their quirks and what not. She was promised that she'd join later but that never happened. If she were to see them again, she'd talk about all that's happend to her.
류진, Ryu Jin, 18, Idol,  Fellow Group Member 
She marches to the beat of her own drum. Sometimes I can't believe that she and I are alike.
Ryu Jin has always been a reclusive, some what unnatural for someone her age, she has experience with people her age... Siyoung has always seemed to find Ryu Jin in the corner of her eye, as a friend, but also her enemy. However despite the competitive enviornment, she'll still Ryu Jin like any other younger person. Ryu Jin and Siyoung are possible two of the same minds who are should be close. Except, well Jeon Jungkook.
방탄소년단, BTS, Idol Boy Group
They are kings of our time, but will I be a part of queens of the time? I don't think so, it's hard to pick up from where someone drops off.
It wasn't till this year she actually met BTS. And my oh my was it a shock for her. For one, for some apparant reason, Yoongi doesn't like her, maybe it's how crazily devoted she is. Once she yelled at him for it, I guess that leaves a sour taste in his mouth, now he won't speak to her. Neither does Jungkook like her, maybe it's because of how many times she accidently dotes on and patronizes him. An awkward rift and something like an empty void as filled there. Now she can'te ven speak to him. For two she gets along with Jin quite well, also Namjoon and Hoseok. And finally she wouldn't have never been able to make a conversation about V and Jimin, she;s never had one with them. But she thinks they'll hate her because of how practical she is.
STAGENAME  수시 Sosi BigHit allowed her to keep the name as she was the most comfortable with that name, it is also quite catchy and simple, something everyone can remember.
LINE      vocal 
RAP TWIN  Juniel
TRAINEE YEARS  7 (5 under FNC, 2 under BigHit)
The year is 2011 and she first began under FNC Entertainment. She began training as a band trainee (preparing for a female band) along side some other girls, Seo Youkyung, Park Choa and some others. However it was bright and colorful AOA which disbanded the girl band, and Siyoung was left behind. FNC had promised her that if she took dancing lessons that Siyoung will become the 9th member of AOA.It was appealing but Siyoung was stuck to her mission of either being a solo artist or in a girl band so she denied. Something minor passed by and practicing continued.
However Siyoung didn't really see the light. No girls had come in for a while, it was mostly boys. She hung out with a lot of band trainees as well. It wasn't until 2014 where she met her eventual love Youngkyun and all of the dance trainees, which she didn't even knew exsisted. She played with them so much while managing to produce songs with just herself and her guitar. It was paradise, spending time with Youngkyun and training. 
In 2015 she finally began dancing, which was not good what so ever, but she had a Youngkyun and a bunch of other band trainees help her out.This is also when she was met with so more female trainees who have apparantly been around for a while, yet she's never met before in her life. She started working with them, but still felt so distant from them, because of her relationship with Youngkyun. The best day of her trainee life she'd say would have to be when Youngkyun was chosen to go perform in Japan along side 10 other boys. She was estatic when this happend, and when he got back life for them continued happily until 2016 came.
The beginning of 2016, Siyoung, now known as Sosi, had come to her senses, realizing who she was and what she stood for before all this idol life happend. So after weeks of self-debating she ended it with Youngkyun, and besides it would benifit him as he was preparing to debut. 
She returned to training and she continued dance lessons, everything was fine the first fortnight till she saw the boys again. Youngkyun was dead, emotionally and it looked like he had 8 life supports going into him. The boys made her feel guilty for what she had done to Youngkyun. Heck, they started a plan to take her out of the company. Which worked, she left on her own terms. Making herself feel like a failure.
2 months later she recieved a call from the same scout who scouted her all those years ago. He gave her an oppurtunity to go under a company called BigHit, home to BTS who was basically all over the media at the current time. Knowing her she would say no, the wounds of guilt that she left for herself have yet to heal, and she knew that she would never ever forgive herself if she did something like this. Yes absoulutly What has she done.
Heading in she noticed she was alone, but as other girls began filing it got a little less lonely. She was relunctunt to talk to anyone like how she was 5 years ago. But quietly and gracefully she opened herself up to the other girls.
She took dance classes as dilligently as she could, and she focused mostly on singing than anything when it came down to being under Big Hit. With University also giving her a slight morale boost, halfing trainee time with studying time for math and music, her two majors.
Now with the threat of being elminated mooning over her, she plans to work harder than ever to stay in, she didn't enter the idol life for nothing. 
COMMENTS EWWWW. So hi, this is my 1st app ever >.<. I need somewhere to start. So I guess this is in a universe were Juniel doesn't exsist? idk Anyways enjoy my awkward robot of a girl, even though she makes little to no sense.
hello SF9 appearance. They all still hate her for breaking up with Hwiyoung :/
PT.1 달과 등으로! 안녕하세요 우리는 루네이션입니다!
To the Moon and Back! Hello we are LUNATION!
PT.2 BTS is the sun, making bright songs, while LUNATION is the moon making songs perfect the relaxing night, or the excicting night even.
As you can see master conspiracy theorist right here.


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hi lily! i'm so honored that your first app was for lunation, it makes me feel special. ❤
the basics are all fine despite the fact that on the languages section, you stated that she also speaks [ japanese, chinese, etc ] call me crazy or not but i think that's a little too much, it's okay if she speaks another language besides korean and/or english but going all the way and putting every language spoken in asia is a bit too much? though it's nothing too bad! the only thing that needs to be fixed is that, for now.
the way you wrote her personality is really cool! i haven't seen it before and i really love things that are unique, so even if there were things that weren't necessary i still love it! and her background is good too, i've a friend who's adopted but her story is not like siyoung but i enjoyed her's.
her relationships and story with youngkyun is so good omg i want to protect siyoung. though i have nothing bad to say about it, could you please elaborte on why yoongi and jungkook seem to hate siyoung? just for story drama of course ( coughs yoongi is xiao's l/i coughs ).
everything else is wonderful and tbh it doesn't seem like this is your first app. i really enjoyed siyoung and i can totally see xiao being her friend or just hanging around her in general.
if you still want to add xiao then go and check out her app! it's not complete but most of the important stuff is there!
the only thing that you would have to fix is the language thing i mentioned in the beginning, everything else is wonderful!

( your stars: ☆ ★ ★ ★ )