her ┊big hit's new girl group ┊lee chaewon

!!!!keep this picture as is!!!!

HER : lee chaewon이채원

replace with face claim 80*80replace with face claim 80*80

BIRTHNAME : Lee, Chaewon

▸ Won [원/₩] — by everyone as it's just a shorter form of her name, but her brother uses the Korean money sign for fun

▸ Won & Only [₩ & ONLY] — by her brother as a play on with her nickname and that she will always be his "one and only"

▸ Shay — English name which is similar to her Korean name, just in the English spelling way

▸ Model One/Actress One — by her members as another play on with her name "won" and that she was a former model and actress

DATE OF BIRTH : December 13, 1991 ; 25
BIRTHPLACE : Songpa, Seoul, South Korea

▸ Korean — fluent, native tongue, dominant language

▸ English — conversational, picked up the language when she lived overseas for a few years when she was younger and took up the classes when school offered the subject when she moved back to Seoul

FACE CLAIM : ex-Nine Muses' Minha [x]
BACK-UP FACE CLAIM : Nine Muses' Kyungri [x]
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 170cm & 50kg


▸ Chaewon's style usually depends on her mood and what the occasion calls for. Usually though Chaewon's style is either simple, casual, chic, cute, comfy, or girly.


▸ Chaewon has both of her ears pierced with multiple piercings. There's five on her left and seven on her right. Chaewon also has a total of four tattoos throughout her body. One below the nape of her neck, one on her upper and inner bicep, one on her upper front thigh, and one on her left bottom abdomen.


+ ||▸friendy, earnest, responsible, active
= ||▸minimalistic, athletic, weird, unbiased
- ||▸cautious, indecisive, stubborn, mischievous


▸For her good traits, Chaewon is a kind and pleasant person that shows good and affectionate terms with others, but more so with those that she's close and comfortable with. She is also someone that effortlessly shows her sincere and intense ways although at times may be seen as a bit too serious for others. Even so, Chaewon is quite capable of being trusted and dependable as well because of this. Chaewon is also someone who likes engaging in actual physical activities and anything else that gets her gears going, especially with her mind or imagination that makes her alert and lively.

▸Some of her neutral traits, Chaewon is also the type of person that doesn't need a lot of things to live with or by and makes and does with little as possible if needs me. Although at times she may go a bit overboard if it's something, somewhere, or someone unfamiliar, but in general she prefers only having the necessary things that she really needs as wants she can always come back to if there's still time or if she's still interested. Anyways, Chaewon is also a person who distracts herself with being physical to exert extra energy and to just relieve her mind and stress because she just needs to release it and not to bottle it all in. Plus, Chaewon needs the energy if she wants to get through her day without being too tired or even lazy. Other than that, Chaewon may judge others secretly, but she would never voice it out as everyone has their own right and way of doing things and thinking. So she's chill and let others do them while she does her.

▸Anyways, as for her negative traits, Chaewon isn't someone that does things on impulsive and so she's actually careful to avoid anything that she isn't used to or knows that it isn't right and deems as possibly dangerous towards her well-being and others. This causes her to be hesitant at times because she doesn't make decisions as quickly as she would like to or have them be as effected as they should be, but then again she'll take a moment to see if any of it is worth it and she'll give it a try first. Often times though Chaewon can be a bit strong-willed and difficult when she believes she's in the right as long as sees it that way. Which may cause her to be a little fond of causing some trouble in a playful sort of way where it isn't harmful to anyone or anything.


▸ Chaewon grew up in a nice home, but her parents weren't around much due to their busy schedule of work and so she hung out with her brother more often than she ever did with her parents. The only time she ever did see them were during holidays, weekends, the teacher-parent meetings, breakfast, and dinner. There wasn't anything malicious or neglectful on their part, it was just, how it was. Chaewon's parents provided her and her brother with a home, food, clothes, and other things that children needed to live their life while under their parents' guidance and what not.

▸Anyways, because of the lack of parental guidance Chaewon saw her big brother as more of a parental figure despite their age difference of six years. Especially when she was four and her parents suddenly moved overseas to Los Angeles, California and lived there for four years before returning back to Seoul and staying there. So she followed him around like a duckling and wanted to do what he did and what not. This is where her interest for music began as well acting and modeling due to her brother. Her brother introduced her to different types of music while growing up and the two would often collaborate for fun with her singing and him playing the piano or guitar. Despite their age and growing up and having other interest, the two made time for one another whenever they got the chance to.

▸When Chaewon expressed her interest in joining the entertainment world one day when she was thirteen, her brother was all for it and supportive, but their parents not so much. They were okay with them singing and playing instruments, but to actually pursue such a career wasn't ideal. Still though, Chaewon wasn't discouraged as her brother continued to give her his support and for her to wait it out. He advised her to still do them as a hobby and to participate in her school's activities as their parents couldn't take that away from her.

▸In 2007, her brother happened to dragged her to an audition that was having try-outs and thought it was her time to do her thing now. At first Chaewon thought she wasn't going to be accepted, but the judges liked her face as well. She became a trainee at Star Empire Entertainment a few weeks later. Although she was trained for the music, the company suggested shy try modeling and acting because of her height, figure, as well as because of her face. Chaewon thought it couldn't hurt and did what the company suggested and learned that she liked this side and that singing didn't have to be her sole purpose.

▸Then some time in early 2014, Chaewon parted ways on good terms with Star Empire Entertainment as she felt that Star Empire didn't suit her anymore, but thanked them for her experiences there. She then auditioned for Big Hit Entertainment a couple months later and was accepted as one of their trainees. Chaewon felt like she could start over in a sense and focused back on becoming a singer once more.


Chaewon had a different training schedule than she was ever accustomed to which was totally different from sports, modeling, and even acting as she wasn't sure if she would make it. Chaewon was getting trained on how to memorize to sing, dance, even rap with many techniques and the whole 101 course on How to Be a K-Pop Idol, and such. Chaewon didn't realize there was so much more to being that of a K-pop idol life and she wasn't sure if she wanted to continue it as she thought it would be easier compare to how she got trained in modeling and acting. Chaewon acually thought of quitting of debuting to be a K-Pop artiste entertainer and thought of just going back to acting and model. Then again, she remembered that this was the opportunity she was given and kept at it as it was something different from whatever she has known and she couldn't just walk away from it so easily when others again wanted this as well. Plus, she told her self she wanted to be a singer and that her brother was looking forward to her being on that stage and so continued on with it.


▸ 2010 : female lead in ZE:A's All Day Long mv [x]
▸ 2011 : part of Seoul Fashion Week
▸ 2011 : had a CF for KIA K2 China
▸ 2011 : had a CF for Condition Heogaesu
▸ 2011-2012 : had a CF for Woongjin Playdoci
▸ 2013 : appeared in Reckless Family 2
▸ 2013 : cameo in Reply 1994
▸ 2013 : cameo in Blue Tower


▸ bubble tea
▸ winter skies
▸ starry nights
▸ sweets
▸ books
▸ nature
▸ animals
▸ music
▸ fruity drinks
▸ horror, suspense, thriller films


▸ insects
▸ reptiles
▸ actual berries, prefers artificial flavoring
▸ hard candies, except lollipops
▸ people touching her hair
▸ sleep being intentionally disrupted
▸ shellfish
▸ cucumbers
▸ chick flicks
▸ coffee


▸ puffing her cheeks
▸ talking with her hands
▸ mixing Korean and English unconsciously
▸ writing in the air while thinking
▸ staring at people unconsciously as she's just spacing out
▸ playing with her hair


▸ snacking
▸ napping
▸ photography
▸ drawing, coloring
▸ soccer
▸ swimming
▸ reading
▸ yoga
▸ volleyball


▸ is ambidextrous, but mainly right-handed
▸ only eats cheese melted
▸ sips yogurt through a straw
▸ smells books before reading them
▸ doesn't have a favorite color, but likes pastels
▸ favorite number is 4 and 13 despite their unlucky symbolism
▸ knows how to drive, but doesn't have her license
▸ is blood type O
▸ is able to play the guitar and piano, but still also learning them both as well
▸ knows how to cook, but doesn't cook often
▸ has an accent when speaking English
▸ low-key multi-fandom fangirl
▸ can slightly be bribed with sweets and baked goods
▸ if she goes up the stairs or down the stairs then she skips every other step
▸ can be a bit competitive, but isn't a sore loser
▸ usually gives people nicknames if she can't remember their names
▸ better at choreographed dance routines than free-style as she's not really a dancer
▸ despises forced aegyo
▸ hates balloons for no apparent reason
▸ handles alcohol well
▸ is allergic to onions
▸ gets anxious when hearing thunder because of its loudness
▸ gets anxious when seeing lightning because the possibility of it striking nearby
▸ gets anxious when there's barely visible light when it's dark
▸ tidies up when things are messy or out of place as she can't seem to function without it being at least organize even if it's a messy organization

u & i


▸ friend, brother's girlfriend — Park Haneul (30) / caretaker at an aniaml shelter / sweet, patient, firm / really close /
Jaeshin introduced Haneul to her and Chaewon was thrilled that her brother had a girlfriend which meant that he wouldn't bother her as much as before. She was wrong, but it was manageable since Haneul kept Jaeshin in check. Plus, it was always nice to get away from her brother and talk with Haneul about whatever and just do girls things every now and then unlike she could do with her brother. Chaewon felt happy to have someone like Haneul who was like a big sister towards her and care for her like family more than her own parents would. Chaewon was thankful towards Haneul and hope that she'll soon become her sister-in-law whenever Jaeshin gets around to it.

▸ friend, group member — Li Mengran (22) / idol / friendly, ditzy, forgetful / close /
Due to their friendly disposition the two get along nicely. Chaewon loves hearing stories about Mengran's life in China and to one day visit her hometown and see where her fellow member grew up and what not. Usually would bother Mengran with teaching her some words in Chinese, but would give up since it was hard to say and remember, but would still try to ease Mengran if she forgot a word in Korean or something like that.


▸ brother — Jaeshin (32) / warehouse worker / talkative, carefree, playful / super close /
Jaeshin and Chaewon are your typical set of siblings, but has a bond that makes them super close as Jaeshin was the one that watched over her and took care of her while the two were growing up. Jaeshin's protective of her yet also teases her the most. Jaeshin has a sister complex to which he neither confirms nor denies. While their parents weren't supportive of her decision to follow the path of music or being in the entertainment business, Jaeshin was her pillar and strength that supported her all the way and stood up for her against their parents. Anyways, ever since then, Jaeshin is the only one that she could depend on and rely upon even though his constant teasing and nagging at times is annoying, but she knows he means well. Sometimes she wished he would just tone it down a bit now that they have gotten older. Still though, Jaeshin is her reason to continued and to whom she owes everything to. Of course, she won't ever fully admit that to him out loud, but she still gives him credits for her being where she is now.

my voice

RAP CLAIM : ex-Nine Muses' Minha [?].

DANCE CLAIM : ex-Nine Muses' Minha [?].


▸ dance: APink's MY MY [x]
▸ vocal/rap: Kim Taewoo's Love Rain [x]


who do you look up to? : 

▸ My big brother who's been there with me through thick and thin.

what is your persona? : 

▸ Hm, the Day Dreamer? Because unlike you're sleeping, I can control my dreams while awake.

why you auditioned : 

▸ The thought of being on stage and performing captured my heart to showcase what I can do and to have others be touched by that.

why do you think her will stick out among the other groups? : 

▸ Because we're just as flavorful as our sunbae, BTS, and will charm our way to the top with all the colors that HER has to offer.

replace with love interest 80*80replace with love interest 80*80

LOVE INTEREST : Kim, Seokjin


▸ Seokjin is a diligent person who tends to works hard to show his energy and commitment in whatever he does. Which at times can lead him to become sensitive with others or himself. Like he can detect any slight changes with others or his surroundings and responds to it naturally. Most times Seojin prefers to be around others and dislikes being alone as it makes him quite sad unless he's singing or practicing on his own as it's different. He's most happy when he gets to eat and enjoys the company of s and those he is close with.


▸ It wasn't really love at first sight when Chaewon and Seokjin happaned to see one another for the first time at the company. Over time though they just keep running into one another when Chaewon had dance or vocal practices to go to and Seokjin had just gotten done practicing with the others or by himself. Or vice versa. However, one day they did happen to connect faster once when Chaewon brought a home--cooked meal to eat and Seokjin happened to pass by and smelt the delicious food. He can to check it out and asked Chaewon about it after she offered if he wanted some of it and since then they've talked comfortably.

▸ Anyways, it's still up in the air as there's really no love story. They were just friends and somehow along the way both of them saw the other as something else that wasn't a friend. Chaewon saw him a bit more special whenever he sang, talked, ate, and just did his thing. She wasn't sure what it was, but she knew she couldn't look at Seokjin the same way. As for Seokjin, it was a similar thing for him, yet to him he assumed it was because she was a little out of his way since he was so well-known and with A.R.M.Y he wasn't sure how they would react to him having romantic feelings for a labelmate that wasn't as they like to do. Anyhow, the two keep their feelings to themselves and don't voice out anything until it becomes too much and they just gotta confess, but still wimp out.

RELATIONSHIP STATUS :  friends -> crushing

ENDING :  good ending. surprise if you want to~ =]

youwillfly : ky

LAST WORDS : hello there! i hope you like Chaewon. ^^ but um, if there''s any revision, i'm sure you'll let me know. also if you're curious about wanting any other clarifications do let me know as well. also i hope you don't mind that i based her modeling and acting information on the girls on Nine Muses, especially with Minha's. ^^ if it's still too much, i can slim it down for you as well. anyways, good luck writing the story and choosing the characters to fit your story! =]

PASSWORD : yes i do. it varies series to series, but i can tell you the longest one i've been into since finding out about it would be Sailor Moon. =]


▸ when Jaeshin comes visits Chaewon, they assume he's her boyfriend
▸ Chaewon makes lunchboxes for her and the members and BTS happens to visit them at that tie and they eat together

turn in : story


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