Just a question!

Hello! ^^;


I'm just wondering if any fellow writers like structuring out a story, characters and events...




Going with the flow with writing, and just letting your muse do the work




even both!


Which do you do/prefer?


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Hey! Wow this terribly late, haha!

I kinda do both: I usually start off with an image in my mind of what the story, character, and (some) events are like and I try to think of what I want to accomplish in the chapter plot-wise before starting to write it; but then, I just let my fingers do the work and see what turns out... and then the editing process begins lol

How about you? Do you have a preference or anything like that?
Kinda both. I need a loose idea of what’s to happen plotwise and I especially need to build the world and the setting before I write. But I don’t like structuring it to details and I cannot and must not structure my characters. So it’s mostly “go with the flow” but I need a brainstorm.
Both! For me I like to do planning, or, I say it's more like, I need to do at least some type of planning out and listing down basic info to now so that I at least know what I'm goin to be doing and what direction I'm putting my story into in the overall picture (if I don't then I feel like I can't focus well and proceed forward). But then once it comes to the actual writing that's when I start to usually do some free flowing and writing just whatever, along with the events and scenarios I already have planned.