
Don't wanna sound like an attention seeker or anything, but in this site nobody knows me, so I am searching for some positive energy from a stranger/strangers because I'm on the verge of literally killing myself





P.s: I've set a suicide date


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Venandi #1
Be strong and don't ever give up. There's still so much things to see and do in life. Keep trying and please don't give up. It may sounds hard now but believe me, everything will be okay in the end, if it's not then it's not the end yet. Please start thinking about things that makes you feel happy and those peopls who loves you. Sometimes it may felt like nobody cares about you but I'm sure there always someone out there who is willing to listen and care about you. I may not know you before, but I'm here willing to listen to your problems and situation. Please message me if you need someone to listen. Please keep strong and a brighter future awaits you :)
tipco09 #2
Nurhanne, I don't know what makes you feel like this . Like everything you do is useless and futile, like there is no hope for things to get better. I think you have reached rock bottom and there is no place to go but up. Things will get better but right now, when you feel like you're in an abyss of despair, you need someone to listen to you and understand you as a friend. Please Send me a Private message. I will be here to listen and understand. In the meantime, please open up to those who love you. Don't push them away. You need a doctor to help you feel better. Whatever your religion, know that there is a God and He loves you even more than you or anyone else can love you. He put you in this world for a purpose and the purpose is always good. Quiet your mind and listen to that inner voice that says you are precious. You are loved. You will never be abandoned...
Suicide is not the solution... There's a lot of adventures ahead and you will miss all this things if you're killing yourself..
Everyone have their own ups and downs moment but I hope every single emotions and obstacles we face will makes us grow stronger each days.
Think positively and find somebody to listen what's that been bothering you or find something that can distracting you of thinking negatively.
Be closer to the almighty God and prayers to ease your minds.
Suicide never stop the problems... It's never makes you a hero.
And your family.... You're their precious gift and I hope you think about them too.
Find something that's makes you happy,writing ,singing, dancing, drawings or sports. Find your charms there.

Think again about ending your life.
Life is precious. Its a gift from God and you are the product of love. Sometimes in life , we may face with many challenges and obstacles but that dosent mean the end of everything. That dosent mean we should give up. Its normal to get upset , feel angry and dissapointed . Everyone will go through it somehow . Its okay to stop and take a rest but not okay to just quit / give up. Suicide will not solve your problems but instead it will only add on more pain and regrets. Think of your love ones . How will they feel to know that you are no longer around ? They might not always show their affection but that dosent mean that they dont care about you. You never know how someone actually feels inside. In every religion , its a sin to commit suicide . You are still young , there's so much for you to see and experience. Think about your dreams and future. You have got plenty of time to make up for the things that you missed . In life just as long as you dont give up , you can always change things for the better. You have been strong along the way so why choose to quit ? Why now ? If you can just give yourself all the chance and space that you need , you'l be able to go through it bravely. Talk to people who you can trust , there's social support groups , therapist , phychiatrist , your family , friends and people who you can relate too. Dont sink into your emotions but instead fight away all the negative thoughts. Its a battle against yourself. You need to have a strong will power and determination. With the right thinking , some support from love ones , healthy meal and life style you will slowly learn to cope and get better. There's many other ways to channel you dark / negatibe feelings away . You can try to meditate to keep your mind calm and at peace. You can try yoga and swimming as well. Its good for your soul and being underwater helps to reduce your stress. Spent some time to pray and seek comfort from God . Read some motivation books , positive quote and etc daily to boost your confidence and positivity . You must learn to accept and be kind to yourself first. In life only you can give yourself all the chances and opportunity that you deserved. So give yourself a chance and mkst important thing is to give life a chance. Try do some volunteer work , go see and experience how other people live despite of their hardship . From there you will get some inspiration . Also when you do volunteering / good deeds you 'l have a fufilling feeling. It will help give you positive energy and changes the way you think and feel. Your life dosent belong to you. It belongs to God , belong to your parents and all the people that care and love you. You need to be responsible for everything that you do. So try calm down , take some time to reflect back on everything and work things out. See down below on the comment section , there's so msny people who sent in their concern and support for you. Dont let them down. You are not alone. There are many people who's fighting each day to live for the sake of their family and children.. If they can do it so can you . Never give up . You deserved to be happy.I hope you feel better soon. Take care and go seek for help if you need
Please don't, please. Talk to someone, anyone, don't keep it in. There are people who love you, who will miss you terribly, please don't. I'm here, you can't talk to me anytime. Whatever is going on, you CAN get through it, you WILL get through it, don't give up!!!

Watch this video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xQoa24Lnhs0
You might help you. (:
BlackCherry15 #7
Suicide date? Why are you doing this? You've got so much to live for.
Seeking attention is okay as now you've reached a point where you're seeking positivity from a stranger. I'm not sure what us going on with your life and what is leading you down this path, but I really hope this can still be talked through. I have to get ready for work, but I'm sure the others around here will stick around. ^^ take real care okay.