
Hey guys. 

So, things have happened. Exciting things and some that are a little less than exciting. 

To start, I got my own apartment! I'm super excited! I've been here for almost a month now. I can't even begin to describe how good it feels to finally be independent. I thought having my own place and setting my own rules and my own schedule would mean that I get a lot more writing done, but let me tell you, it's so much harder now than when I was living with my grandmother xD I guess it's the fact that I actually have a lot more responsibilities now. 

So now for the lame stuff. Have you seen what Photobucket has done!?!?!?! All of my and a ton of people's pictures are gone! I mean not GONE gone, but since Photobucket took away third party sharing, all of the posters, pics, and gifs that I've had uploaded to AFF are gone. It's like hell storm right now. I have no idea what to do. If anyone has any site recommendations that allow third party sharing, please let me know ;_; I'd really like to keep all of my pictures in my stories and whatnot. 

I feel like I had so much more to say when I started this blog post... *scratches head* Ahhh, I'm at a loss for words now. 

Oh! Okay so I'm going to see Taeyang next week! I have really ty seats... but that's because another concert I was planning to attend the day prior to Taeyang's show was cancelled just a few days ago. If I'd known they were going to cancel the show at the last minute, I'd have gotten tickets for Taeyang the moment they were released and I'd have probably opted for P1. But that's a story for another day. I just feel bad for the two rookie groups because I am sure they were excited about having a U.S. tour and I was excited to see them. I even got the meet and greet passes.  ㅜ_ㅜ   *sigh*

Anyways... I guess I don't really have much else to say.

I hope you guys all had a great summer. <3

See yaaaa.


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Seenaa #1
Congrats on getting ur own apartment !! I really hope u can update soon tho hehe i miss ur story ㅠㅠ
Congrats you have your own apartment :) Thats a huge mile stone . Well done ..I usually ise tinypic as my usual hosting site
for that reason, aff has a photo uploader now!! not too sure about limitations for file size or total upload space per user tho.

other than that i used to upload pictures on tumblr, right click on that picture to copy the picture's url to use. that works on rpr so i suppose it works on aff too since they're both sites made by the same person and they both have similar layouts.
gypsytaemoreena #4
Totally!!! The photobucket sh*t is just that. Lost a tremendous catalog of Taemin images...not happy :(

Good to see you blogging here again...wonderful you're experiencing *Independence*...should mean for quite the productive future concerning your writing and such...are you still into the artistic make-up endeavors as before? Hope to see more of your work if so...

Love you girl - Blessed Be - Gypsy <3