Should I continue writing?!?!

O​​​kay, henlo it's me c: 

I still wonder if I should continue writing. I mean? I can call myself "creative" when it comes to thinking ideas and all— 

Both of my old stories are pretty good, I thought of the way it'll go, but writing it is another story. :c BUT I HAVE SO MANY IDEAS I S T G. :( anyway please send help? SIGHS. I am currently writing a story for my friends, I was trying to be ambitious, it turned out great, but it's plain, and short. OKAY YOU CAN NOW COMPARE ME WITH MY SENPAIS. Because like omf they are so good. :( I salute them and adore them so much. 

I mostly write daejae fanfics, because daejae is honestly.. REAL ?! HOW CAN YOU NOT THINK THEY ARE REAL. I thought of.. 5 to 6 ideas for a story and I don't know if I should write it.. 

What if I write smthg and no one is going to read it,, and then and then,, I DONT KNOW ANYMORE. 

ㅠ ㅠ [I don't even think anyone is going to see this and tell me their opinion.] 



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It is better to write and have tried than to not and regret. Let your passion for writing drive you.
YuzuruH #2
You should continue ;)