i was looking at my profile today and i saw that people actually follow my blog LOL

so here i am, writing a blog post. 

there might be  some typos and nocapitalization and what-nots , so just ignore that. i typing this on my phone and i have vvv fat fingers so typos are too common for me ,, and i don't like to put auto - capitalization on my phone; i don't know why , i just think it looks ugly LOL

i wonder if people are actually reading this right now  

if you are i should put up blogs more often. i want my readers & friends on here to know more about me. i'm at summer school right now, so there is literally no chance for me to try and update my book TT

summer school has been soooooo boring and tiring, but in almost done so it's all ggggg. 

if you are reading this let's do a q&a together !! comment your answers to these questions :))

where do you live ? /// lol weirdest question, but it's not supposed to sound that creepy !! i love in Canada :))

is it summer where you are & how does your school system work ? /// it is summer here in canada (oh boy it is so hot) and our school goes from september to june <<< that's actually pretty common tho 

favourite colour ? (LOL yes those two words have a U in them because i'm canadian aye) i LOVE mustard yellow , but i think my favourite colour would be brown ,, very uncommon , but there's a secret meaning to why i love brown , but i won't get into since it might take up the whole blog.  

favourite food ? i love all kinds of food. i literally am open to all foods; i LOVE spicy food , but my favourite food is either indian food or instant ramen noodles !

favourtie book (irl) ? i think my favourite book would be milk and honey or david levithans everyday. i rarely read full on novels because i always get lost or bored in the middle , so i often stick to poetry because they're short&simple but contain so much meaning. 

current shows ? i don't watch korean dramas anymore because i have a shirt attentntspan, but i do enjoy watching shows like SKAM (norwegian) , degrassi (because i'm canadian LOL) and a few netflix shows here and there. 

so my phone is glitching out now so i'm just gonna leave it here :)) please feel free to answer some questions in the comments !! love y'all who actually took the time to read this <3 bye bye !!




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