'Her guardian' and more update

Hello hello! Think it's about time i give a slight update on why "her guardian" is taking it's time for you who follow me here.  First of! I been re writting the last chapter for about 3 times now, and second of all I'm on vacation right now but i got some ideás now on how i should wrap it up and it will become sliglty longer so the supposely 'last chapter'  will now be more chapters as possible more Drama will follow up to the story.


And if you follow me here you probably noticed i started a SaMo collection!  And i been writting on maybe 2 or 3 one shots to that one as well.


And then there is a SaiDa story called 'fated'  i also write on soooo yeaaaahh... I'm sure taking my time... sorry about that  <3   


BUT NOW WHEN I GOT AN IDEÁ HOW TO WRAP HER GUARDIAN. ALL UP.  I CAN FOCUS ON THAT ONE.   but i probably will write all chapters up till the end first before i post because I'm still half uncertain about this ideá but it be fiiiine!  So cya soon and bye bye for now!  


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