What meets the eye



Did you ever think for a while?

About the least popular girl who sat at the back of your class?

The one with pimples, freckles,ugly Betty look and no friends?

A freak, they called her.

Fat too.

Was not she the last person to make it to your friend list?

Her results were poor, just like her.

But did you think for once why she never talked?

Why the teachers and even your friends looked down on her like she never should have existed?

Did it not tug your heart strings when the whole cafeteria plunged into laughter bouts when she skidded on a banana skin?

Why everyone avoided her like the plague?

Why every bad incident was blamed upon her?

Or the school bully deflated her bike's tire?

Why she always covered her face and arms?

Why was it winter for her all year?

Maybe things would have been different if you were her friend.

If she could freely tell you about her eating disorder. 

That her mother is a drug addict.

Her father beats her up every night because she does not earn enough.

That her brother sold her to his friends.

That she had been .

Not once, not twice, multiple times beyond her count.

Not because she was the town's . 
That she was poor. Inside-out.

Did you ever think what she wants to be?

She wants to be a friend.

She wants good for her family.

She wants to be accepted.

She wants to be a leader.

She wants to smile, be happy.

She wants to be free!

More than what meets the eye. 





Here goes nothing. There are many deprived people out there, mentally abused by the very "intellectual" class. Unknowingly, to some extent, we are also responsible in making this otherwise heinous act into reality. That's why I used "you" here. I am guilty myself but not anymore. I am not that "you" anymore.

For my dearest Bethany, I know you won't see this but putting your example, I would want to create an inspiration. If Bethany could survive, the others can too. I have been late in talking with Beth but I am glad she is healing. I am blessed to be a friend of this girl, who is down right positive, no complaints and a bright torch in this world of prevailing darkness.

So extend a helping hand, an act of random kindness. Put a smile on those lips and brighten other's day unexpectedly. It is a heart warming feeling.

Probably you won't meet someone with so many problems at once but a simple 'hi' can create a huge difference.

This is something Beth does. She says hi and waves to every single stranger. Some wave back while others look in shock. Upon asking her, she told me, a simple hi was all she yearned all day. And it made her alive like ever.


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igotausername #1
You write so well.And this post is beautiful.Loved it.It's so beautiful yet so sad.And I know I'm late reading this post haha
This is a really touching post. Sometimes you can help people by just offering the hand of friendship, but unfortunately most people are afraid of being looked down on or being treated the same.If only people could have a little more empathy...
It's so nice that Bethany has a friend now, I wish everyone could have a friend to open up to and share things. Thank you for the beautiful post!
The post is quite touching itself and makes me release that there really must be those neglected people around us. Makes me realize more that I should be kinder to people that I am... Thank you for the beautiful post ♡
Most of the time I felt touched whenever I read your post / advised to others . I agree that sometimes kindness is all that we need to give hope , to inspire and to live on. Your friend have been through a lot in life that I felt so sad and bad for her however with good people like you around to give her moral support and encouragement , I believe that her days would improve for the better. I would be cheering on her well being and also I would be cheering on you for always spreading good positive message to others . Thank you for being the kind soul and may you continue all the good work you have done. God bless .