Quitting Soon

Yeah, uh I'll be leaving AFF soon

I'll just finish the remaining requests on my shop

.... and that's it I guess? or I might take a long break

(and only log in just to check up on stuffs or smth idk really)

if you wanna keep in touch, i have the following: skype, kkt, fb and instagram.

i post drawings on my instagram account, it's new so only a few are posted lol

but lemme know if you're into drawing (esp if anime) i'd love to see your works!!

also if you follow me there lmk as well, alright uh i gotta go now lmao

(my instagram account: carnesiel)


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SmokyWoods #1
Bei - please give me your skype
ill miss you and ill be sure to follow you on ig :D
aww my ig is here ( ig : pxthless )