ν˜• made me cry T-T

Seriously, this movie had me crying for half of the time. I was literally bawling over the movie and I think I look stupid just imagining me bawling over the movie. haha. Great way to exercise my emotional health.Β πŸ˜‚Β but seriously, one of the best movies yet. 10/10 would recommend watching this. I wouldn't want to go into details of the story so that you guys won't get spoiled. But you had been warned, once you start crying, you'll be crying nonstop until the movie ends.

I had been wanting to watch this movie since it had released last November 2016, but to my dismay, I had no spare time to do so. The movie trailers were great and made me hook to the story as to why Do young (aka Do Kyungsoo himself) had gotten blind and more and more. haha. But seriously, the main reason why I started to want to watch the movie is because of none other than Do Kyungsoo himself. Like seriously, I don't know, but I'm having an obsession with Kyungsoo lately. Haha, Like who wouldn't want to watch him right? My fanboy level just got stronger by this time, and to be honest, Kyungsoo had been acting as my rolemodel in life. Like most of what I do today is heavily influenced by him. He's such a great actor and singer. 도 경수 ν˜• μž˜ν–ˆλ‹€~Β πŸ‘

BTW, its been a long time since I posted a blog here on AFF. TBVH, I had been very busy the past year with school stuff and WILL also be busy with this upcoming year. I will be graduating college HOPEFULLY before the end of the year 2017. HOPEFULLY I WILL, because I don't know, I might just screw myself up. How are you guys? Anyone still remembers me? I hope everyone's day are doing great~ Lemme keep in touch with you guys~

PS: My first blog draft got deleted. This is the second time I typed this and it got longer. lol.


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heonnni #1
Me too I cried so so hard especially near the end it was so emotional and I started bawling :') and same, I watched it because of kyungsoo too xD he did such an outstanding job, I'm so proud of him~ he was absolutely amazing!!
Definitely a must-see if it has Kyungsoo :)