Story to Karma points or trades?

Hello!! It's been a while since I've actually been on this site, I kinda got side tracked for a Loooooong time. I have been Into BTS stories though and i desperately would love if someone would take a request/trade/karma payment!! I want something very specific which is why I'm posting and asking this! I really love Yoonmin stories!! But I like something unusual, I want a bottom Yoongi/Suga story pretty please!! I love Yoongi being the bottom. 😍

He doesn't have to be all submissive and whiny (even though if you want to you can!) I just have a huge hunger for him being bottom and Jimin being the top (because I don't see that boy as a bottom. Sorry not sorry lol) πŸ˜…

If you read this and respond! Please and thank you! If not maybe tell a friend and see if they're up for it! *Bows my head and falls on my face* πŸ˜†Β 


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