What happened with Nu'est?

Remember back in 2012 when Nu'est first debuted? Everyone was so in love with them and they were so big. I remember getting on here and there were so many blog posts, stories, and people talking about them all the time. Then suddenly people stopped caring and they lost a lot of fans - what happened? I really want to know. They even still hold the record for the most views on a boy groups debut video for 2012 - more views than even Exo's debut. It because they're so talented and now they're being left behind and overshadowed by Seventeen. It's really sad, and I fear they're going to end up disbanding soon. Pledis seems to only give a damn about Seventeen now. Their two most recent music videos have about 4 mllion views put together - that's how many views some groups get for one music video in a few hours, and one of the music videos has been out for about 7 months now. I feel bad for After School too, it's been three years since their last comeback. I don't get how people can just leave behind and forget about a group just because other groups debut. How many of you out there are Nu'est fans? 


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I used to really like them, especially when they first debuted. However I just think that the past few comebacks were a bit...I don't know...it's not like they were bad ssongs its just no matter how many times I'd listen to it, I would just never remember it. I also don't think pledis' manegment is all that good. They tend to bring out bombs but then don't do any following up on that which just ends the trend. And you only know what nu'est are up if you personally follow them on sns.
elfcloudlove #2
I love nu'est, they are one of my favorite groups and I really like their songs but tbqh their last two comebacks were quite disappointing imo :(
girafferabbit #3
Face by nu'est was the first kpop song I ever liked
aabriannaa #4
I still love NU'EST and after school ^.^
High key this is depressing.