Hello. Can anyone recommend me a bright but powerful Kpop girl group dance? Or a hip hop Kpop girl group dance? (Yeah, complete opposites) Bonus: has a really good meaning and/ or isn't that "typical" (like not too popular / not covered too often)

Thank you




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Evol is good but i think they disbanded and also Kiss&cry song domino game.
Look into underrated groups like GI, Wa$$up, Fiestar, Playback, Purfles, GP Basic, Queen'z, 2eyes, Delight, Chocolat, Jewlery, Kiss&Cry, Poten, The Ark, Tiny-G, Two X. Those would be good ones that aren't covered often, some with bright concepts but powerful/harder dances, and others with more hip hop concepts.
Global Icon's 'Beatles' isn't exactly bright, but I feel it's pretty powerful. They're super underrated though, so probably not covered as much as groups like SNSD and F(X).