Proofs of Being a STALKER

... when you know the name of his parents.

... when you know the course he's taking.

... when you know his class schedules.

... when you know his student number(in our university, there are thousands of students. and each one has a 5-digit student number)

... when you know his favorites(book, bands, songs, subjects, smiley, etc.)

... when you know his pasttime.

... when you know his sleeping position.

... when you know the first thing he does in the morning.

... when you know what type of car he owns.

... when you know his views in life.



Are you a stalker, like me?:))


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Seaworld24 #1
When you know his sleeping position....? Thats creepy....
But the rest r LOL XD
doubledutchress #2