When the world notice who you are



It was the weirdest day of my life. Lot of things happened this week. Its hard to cope with.


I came to school way too early today and I was the first too to arrive in my class. I the lights and sit down at my place. Waiting for my classmates. But the waiting was so long, I lay down my head on the desk. I didn't know what to do. I didn't felt like doing anything because my tablet died on me and my house was been robbed. I didn't come to school on Friday and Saturday. The robbed thing happened on Friday the 13th meanwhile my table died on Saturday. I was kinda down. I couldn't roleplay in Line. I was actually attracted to someone in Line so not talking to her brings my mood so down. My macbook couldn't download the Line app because it's not updated. I'm using Mac OS X 10.4.11. It's a very old style macbook.


One of my classmate came to me and asked why I wasn't wearing the sport uniform. I was asking back why would I wear it. She told me she pmed me in my tablet aka whatsapp me that I was picked for high jump house sport. I was like... “What? Teacher told me I wasn't in it” then I had to be sure about the fact if it was true. I asked other teachers and yes. Its true. I kinda panic because I didn't bring my spare clothes so I had to call my dad to tell my mom to sent over my clothes to school before 7:30am. Luckily school haven't started when I made the calls. I was waiting in the school area with my friend. At the sight of my car, I immediately run to my mom and pick up my yellow shirt, long school pants and a pair of very old dirty shoes (I think I brought it when I was in the age of 12 and damn my feet were shrinking because it's now kinda big.)


So I ran to the changing room and keep my school uniform in the class. I had to rush here and there. I ran to register myself and take my number. I needed help with pining the number on my shirt so I asked my classmate. I had two classmate who joined high jump and they are taller than me. I'm 159cm meanwhile they are like 160cm+. We couldn't started the competition when one of the participant wasn't there. I was told she came and she's from my sport house as well so it was my duty to look for her. I took the chance to jog around so I won't end up with cramps. I found her and inform her it was starting soon and she's the only one who's missing. Luckily, she already registered herself but when back in the class instead of waiting.


We had to sit to do warming up first. We were given to jump twice only and we were arranged by number. I was place as the 3rd participant so I was kinda nervous. All together we have 12 participants and I was place as the 3rd participant so it was kinda ummmmm feeling. Because I was close to being the first participant if the 1st and 2nd are out won't the 3rd be the 1st right? So yea.. It worries me. I don't it at all. I'd like to the last so I know what I'm dealing with. I wasn't worry about the high jump because I've trained myself harder since 3 years ago. When the warming up began, I didn't fail but I felt like Im heavy so I looked down at my long pants. It was dragging me down and it worries me a lot. Like I said, I won't leave my school without doing completing my wish list. To be notice and be the first of something.


My fellow teammate was so kind, she hand me her shorts. It was super short that my yellow shirt covered the short so it made me look like I wasn't wearing any pants. She wanted me to win so bad because I was the best. I really have no advice when they asked because I just can do it.


After changing, I felt light and others kept complimenting my legs are perfect. I kept hiding my legs by standing behind my juniors. They were like 'dont be shy with us. You really have pretty legs'. I couldn't stare at them so I just smile secretly. I'm those down to earth girl so no one really knows I'm actually a threat to them. So I really kept low profile. They noticed how comfortable I am and high I jumped after changing, they were keeping slight worry about it after I changed my pants. I made to TOP 6. Soon, I survived to TOP 3 and they were worried sick. I'm serious. They said it out loud and I couldn't hear them talking. They were asking everyone who gave me the short pants. Luckily, my junior who gave me her short went back to class. So I just smile at them. Soon, it was only me with the popular tomboy in my year. She was like “I hope you lose”, I made the grumpy face as a joke back.


The judges asked if we would like to continue or not. I asked “What if we both don't want to continue?” the judge answered back. “Then you win because you haven't had a single failure and everything was perfect meanwhile she has failed once but you haven't even use your 3 life.” I stare at the tomboy who was determine to beat me and I asked again. “And if we continue, also if she beats me. Then she get the first place if I fail it?”


The judge nodded. She immediately said we will continue. I was like panicking already because the height we're facing at the moment was the height I never practiced with. I told her, she may go first but she shook her head and told me to do it first. I took a deep breathe and start singing to cool myself down because no one support me beside myself.


The height of it was around my shoulder level so I believe its 140something cm. Honestly I only practiced until 120cm. 120 was my highest so I was surprise that day I didn't fail or use a single life. I failed the first tried because it touched my . XD


I was damn panicked already, if the tomboy beat me in this one she will get first place but luck was on my side. She failed her first as well so I was left with 2 tries or least I'm out. After the second time jump, guess what.... Victory was mine. I did! But it wasn't over yet. Even if the tomboy has no luck in getting first place but I wanna know if she can high that high or not. She failed 3 times. So it was impossible for her. She even felt nervous so imagine that. She has took over the first place since 3 years ago until this year has no luck because finally, i was in the competition. Her legs were seriously shaking. I took the first place. It was great. I made a grumpy teacher smiled the whole day. The teachers greet congratulations with me even the whole class. I was noticed. No one knew a girl like me could beat her. She came to me and we did the hand shake, I was still in shock honestly.


I didn't smile until I ran off to tell my friends. My dark days has turn into the brightest mood of the day.

I wanna say this.... Thank you for listening, for supporting me. For everything. For believing I could do it.



My friends notice how hyper I was today and they told me 'its because I have my first place' and I nod happily.


Thank you everyone.

Thank you for believing.





TBH Listening to 'you raise me up' lol what a perfect fitting song


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meanwhile me, sry to dissapoint cha buddy I got no. 5 for long jump :(
Wow congrats ^_^
I'm so happy for you <3