winter + werewolves +1 frozen princess

I dreamed of winter 🎿 and werewolves. I was guarding an abandoned building in modern times. It was friggin cold inside, there weren't doors and there wasn't electricity either. The building is isolated and everything I can see outside is a sea of white and two rows of trees marking an alley. I suddenly perceive intruders. It's a pack of werewolves and their leader isn't shapeshifted. They enter the building and roam through it. Once I perceived them, I ran and found the back exit. I ran out into the snowy landscape and I walked as fast as I could on the alley . I met a group of werewolves from the pack and two of them tried to gnaw at my foot. To the first, I resisted erecting a barrier for a short while , but I couldn't maintain it for too long as I was weak . Then I heard something leaping in the air as the second werewolf tried to get a piece of me. It was the leader of the pack who reminded them I was supposed to be unharmed. He was tall and had long black hair, fair skin and white long clothes. I fainted and I woke up in a car. He wore modern style clothes, still white. He was driving and two members of the pack were staying with me in the backseat, keeping me warm in a hug. My temperature was dropping so we were kinda sandwiched...I fell asleep and when we reached the destination they were wondering about my age. most of them believed I was a high school girl... But they were all o.O when I revealed that I was way older than that. Somehow I get to meet their teacher to learn martial arts but he tells me that the evil within me is hard to be subdued and I again am seen as something dangerous for them... But apparently I can't be harmed because the leader of the pack has imprinted on me. Yet, I don't really feel anything. It's as if I were made of snow.


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