gemini is participating in { project : paragon } ; the battle

natalia kim

username — -hopefullee

Other name(s) — -
nickname — hope

activity rate — 8


name — natalia kim

nickname — kim rae-ah (unregistered korean name)
                              talia (endearment from her family)
                              lia (an easy-to-pronounce version of her

                                     name for her korean friends since she
                                     doesn't really answer to her korean

birthdate — 03.06.98 

birthplace — london, england

hometown — london, england

ethnicity — korean
nationality — british

language(s) — english (fluent), korean (native)

we're barely scraping the surface

face claim — sin bi

gallery — ^~^

backup face claim — ryu hye ju

gallery — ^o^


Height — 171 cm
WEight — 50 kg
blood type — a+
appearance — natalia has chocolate brown hair with purple underneath that grows just past her shoulder. she has two lobe piercings on her left ear and one on her right. she has a scar on the outer corner of her left eye from a fall as a child. this scar is not too obvious, but the difference between both eyes is visible. 

fashion style — natalia's style is mainly casual and sweet with pastel colours taking over her wardrobe. growing up in england, natalia has a love for pullovers, knit cardigans/sweaters, hoodies and ponchos. in korea where it's warmer, natalia has gravitated towards two-pieces that she wears during warmer months. she also really likes crop tops and high waisted bottoms. she's also more of a sneakers and sandals girl rather than heels and platforms since she's already pretty tall for a girl and doesn't need the extra height although recently she's been experimenting with clear jelly heels and cute korean socks.
since her shirts are rather plain, she usually wears long necklaces to break the monotony of it. so also occasionally wears rings and bracelets

her favourites: 

pullover          knit sweater          hoodie          poncho          two-piece          shorts          jeans          skirt        sneakers          sandals          heels          necklace 1          necklace 2          necklace 3          bracelet          ring       

opening pandora's box

plotline — gemini

traits — +fast learner +caring +friendly +determined -indecisive -easily distracted -procrastinator -emotional


friendly and affectionate, natalia has no trouble making friends in new places and was always considered one of the more "popular" girls because of her easy-going personality. natalia is really talking and can really chat up a storm with anyone she befriends hence breaking awkward silences are one of her best skills. despite being talkative, natalia knows when to be quiet and lend a listening ear to her friends when need. hence she's also sometimes seen as the caring mother in her friend group. however, this comes at a price as natalia doesn't really have anyone to go to to rant and speak her mind. she talks, yes, but it's rarely anything serious - most are just to entertain others. thus, she tends to be rather emotional when the bottled stress in her builds up. during her emotional moments, she can be reckless and violent, resulting in her making stupid decisions like confronting an enemy or break/tearing up stuff (aka homework). 

to her, her easy-going personality is more of a bane than a boon as she tends to be extremely indecisive, letting others make decisions for the group since she doesn't want to force any of her opinions onto others. this makes her not a very good  leader since she doesn't know how to stand firm in her opinions. along with that, she is easily distracted; any small thing can interupt her mundane tasks and cause her to completely forget about it until someone points out that she's not been doing any work. a procrastinator from young, natalia is the type to wait til the last minute before getting work done. she sometimes has what she calls "last minute inspiration" in which she comes up with ingenious ideas at the very last minute. however, procrastinating has worked against her many times before, espiecially during her trainee period where she would procrastinate about choreographing a new dance for an evalutation and end up giving slipshod work and receiving harsh criticisms. even so, natalia is a strong-willed and determined girl who will not give up on anything she sets her mind to. (if she doesn't set her mind to it, she'll likely give the bare minimum)

finally, natalia is a fast learner in almost everything that she does - she just has this natural talent in picking up small simple skills that add up into unique abilities. that was how she learnt modern calligraphy, needlefelt, and a wide array of dances. however as the saying goes: jack of all traits, master of none. natalia doesn't feel that there's anything she pariticularly excels in - she's just someone who can do a bit of everything.

background —

born in london, england to an upper middle class korean family., natalia has lived a comfortable life. her parents had moved to london back when they were fresh university graduates to settle down and look for jobs. despite being in england, they made it a point to speak to their children in their mother tongue so that they would not be at such a loss when someone questioned them about their identity and heritage. to add on, the family of five regularly travelled back to korea once every two years for the holidays to visit their relatives. 

as a child, her parents sent her and her sisters for gymnastics, ballet and jazz lessons, moulding her into a skilled performaner from young. while one sister dropped out from ballet and the other from jazz as they grew older, natalia continued to hold onto all three activities and she revelled in performance. when the kpop craze hit england whenshe first entered middle school, she had been introduced to bands like girls' generation and super junior by her classmates. this pushed her to research into the field of street dance and she soon took up waacking and hiphop while at the same time quitting gymnastics and jazz since she felt like she was spreading herself too thin. 

after doing a song-and-dance cover to girls' generation's tell me your wish and h.o.t's candy with her friends at her school's talent show, the people around her encouraged her to try auditioning for the entertainment companies in korea as they believed she'd make a great idol. simply brushing it off at first, natalia got curious and ended up going for one of sm's global auditions in london after middle school where she was accepted as a trainee. however, she was dropped after a particularly bad evalutaion thanks to her procrastination. she started auditioning at other companies and was eventually accepted into fantiago.

likes — 
-- matcha green tea
-- animals (especially dogs cats and rabbits)
-- non-ficiton books
-- cold weather
-- listening to piano covers of pop songs
-- needle felt ("the sound of it is love")
-- modern calligraphy (dip pens, brush pens, aqua brushes, etc.)
-- typography
-- fashion design
-- watching survival shows (hello produce 101, baby kara, mydol, etc.)

dislikes — 
-- carrots
-- citrus fruits
-- rainy weather
-- nature (like mud, soil, bushes, etc.)
-- darkness (she conjures up mutilated people following her in her mind)
-- projects with no deadlines (she'll never get stuff done)
-- people patting her head ("my hairrrrr!!!")
-- horror/gore

hobbies — 
-- painting her nails (or anyone's, really)
-- modern calligraphy
-- drawing, sketcing (and occasionally painting)
-- watching youtube videos (buzzfeed anyone?)

habits — 
-- shakes her legs practically everywhere
-- cracks her knuckles as an idle habit
-- bobs her head and does small dance actions when listening to edm
-- throws her jacket over her head when sleeping in the car
-- talks at bullet train speed when excited

trivias — 
-- she is left-handed
-- she was an art student in middle school ("art as in art art and not art as in humanities")
-- she loves little twin stars
-- she likes things that glow in the dark
-- she has a slight accent when speaking in korean
-- she cannot remember the fact that the korean age is one year older than international age
-- she wants a brown tabby and will name him magritte (after an artist)
-- she was  black-and-white mini lop and will name him pollock (after another artist)
-- she wants to learn sign language
-- she dreams of opening a small craft shop where she will sell handmade accesories and typography cards
-- she loves purple
-- she speaks in english when scared
-- she will start hitting people when scared (shows requiring her to go through haunted houses beware)
-- she has perfect eyesight
-- she is the middle sister in a set of identical triplets
-- she likes to doodle on fansign tables
-- she was to shave her hair someday (and donate the hair to locks of love)
-- she has an instagram and twitter (both @lia_natalia)



Stage name — lia

persona — british beauty (she finds this really funny because she does not have any british blood in her)

TRainee years — a year an a half in sm, three months in fantiago
TRainee Life — 
when she started training, natalia had come to korea by herself leaving her family behind in england. since she was already a skilled dancer, she ddin't find dance practices difficult. instead, she felt that vocal practices were the life out of her as she did not have that good of a vocal range and her voice often cracked when trying to reach the higher notes. because of that, she would often get frustrated and angry remarks from her teachers, shooting down her confidence. after a few bad evaluations on her singing, sm decided to try training her in rap since they noticed that she was able to speak really fast without jumbling up her words. after a particularlybad evaluation where her dance was worse than an inexperienced trainee, she was dismissed from sm. 
whilst going for various auditions, natalia took up a part time job tutoring students in english while staying in a small rental unit. she did not tell her family about this as they were already qute doubtful on her taking the trainee path and she knew that the knowleddge of her dismissal would prompt them to demand her return to england. 
when she got into fantaigo, news got out that she was once an sm trainee. many other trainees were intimidated by her and started to be rather cold towards her which she was initally shocked about since her trainee friends back at sm were always pretty friendly despite the competition between them. the only trainee that was willing to talk to her and could look past the fact that she was once an sm trainee was cha eun byul, and hence she's really affectionate and close to her.

scandals —
-- "natalia kim clubbing in england?" when they had just debuted, it was not known to the public that natalia was part of an identical triplet hence when british club-goers saw her sister there. 
-- "natalia kim spotted going on a date?" again, another mistake of natalia's sister going on a date with her boyfriend in england. 

first mission song — self-choreographed (mainly waacking and hiphop with jazz elements) dance to kesha's tik tok

water of the womb

family — 

— father | andrew kim | 48 | cafe owner | 6 
— mother | jennifer byun | 48 | make up artist | 7
— eldest triplet | natalie kim | 18 | student | 10
— youngest triplet | natalynn kim | 18 | student | 10 

blood of the covenant

friends — 

— close friend | julia anderson | 18 | student | 9
— close friend | jin hye sha | 20 | sm trainee | 8
— friend | cha eun byul | 19 | fantaigo trainee, project: paragon member | 8 
— acquaintance | jung chae yang | 16 | fantaigo trainee | 5 


you're the personification of my ideal type

idol crush — vixx's hyuk


personality — 
cheeky and mischievous despite being the maknae of vixx, hyuk is always the one playing pranks and disregarding the between him and s. determinted and passionate, hyuk was the one with the least training in his group when they debuted so he put in extra effort to polish up his dance and singing skills. although his snarkiness can sometimes borderline rude, one flash of his natural bright aegyo will have your anger melting away.

why are you a fan of him/why you admire him
he's everything natalia looks for in her ideal boyfriend - tall, cute and a good dancer with a great personality
she's known about him since before he debuted since she was an active follower of mydol during her middle school days and saw how much he grew as an artist. thus, she admires his persevering nature
she also doesn't really have a crush on him - she just brings up his name whenever entertainment programmes ask for an idol that fits her ideal type

don't say goodbye

comments/suggestions — hey there! i hope this app is fine! i realised i was writing really long grandmother stories espeically in the personality, background and trainee life sections so i hope that's fine >< i hope choosing hyuk as an idol crush is fine! if you're not familiar with him then i don't mind just having no idol crush. also, i only included the good personality traits of hyuk in the personality section because i felt that if her were supposed to be her "crush" she'd mostly only look at his good traits. besides, they aren't that close for her to know his shortcomings. 

scene requests
-- project paragon weekly idol! it'll be a good way to get the public to know and recognise them as well as let them now the members' true personaliies.
-- a scene of the project paragon members first entering the dorm as members of the survival show and another scene of them entering as the finalised members of the new girlgroup.
-- the heartbreaking scene where those not selected to debut will have to pack up and leave the dorm ):
-- project paragon members having a fundraising to help a charity in which they would have a small performance with a small entrance fee of around 15000won in which all proceeds can be donated. natalia can also sell some calligraphy pieces to raise extra funds. other members with their own unique talents can also set up such booths (maybe it can be done a little later into the show when they'll be more well-known)
suggestions —
they could have something like mtv diary/bangtan bomb/vixx tv on their official youtube channel to connect with the fans!

password — 
group name: faiyer - fire with a funky spelling, the hottest group of 2016!
fanclub name: O2 - pronounced o-two. just like how fire needs oxygen to burn, faiyer needs the fans' love to continue their journey as kpop idols

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