Riddle me this?

How is it that a writer that hasn't offered up a chapter for the title of a story gets a load of subscribers and some upvotes? Yet there are writers on here that post updates regularly and the subscribers refuse to even give an upvote or a comment. Hell even subscribe long enough to read 4 chapters in someones story. I find this commonly in the ambw genre. LOL. Can someone explain this to me?


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Very interesting.
Mysteries of the world lol
Well, as far as i know, the story must have a catchy title as well as description, that lures your readers in and makes them subscribe. I mean, who would read if the description is lame and all? #nooffense.
Idk but it kills me
Birds of the same feather flock and support together. That's the only reasonable and sensible thought I could come up with. But when something is unsensible it's hard to make sense of it.
I don't know, but I guess it has to do with what the people want. If it has BTS, EXO, or whoever else is trending the most these days, they are bound to get more subscribers if a writer tags their writing as such. But it would be nice for people to actually back up what they've begun lol.
If I can ever figure that out, I will gladly let you know.
It's weird but I've kinda gotten used to it. Readers are very odd beings. I have had a reader who I was able to watch read EVERY i'll emphasize it again EVERY story that I've ever written on this site even the ones on hiatus and didn't comment or upvote not one out of the 16 stories. Like I literally just watched them subscribe to all of them and then go their way yet I was on the AMBW tag since I go on it like once a week and I saw that SAME reader comment on a story that had only one chapter and spelling errors up the . The synopsis alone made me sad tbh yet they were so excited for this writer to update -_-
I noticed that as well and I'm just as confused. I wish I had a theory that made sense but...nah :/
Lotuspassion #10
I'm as confused as you are